Talent allocation in European football leagues: why competitive imbalance may...
Readme file for Garcia-del-Barrio, P., & Reade, J. J. (2024). "Talent allocation in European football leagues: why competitive imbalance may be optimal?". Jahrbücher für... -
Is Blood Thicker than Water? The Impact of Player Agencies on Player Salaries...
In this article, we analyze how different representation models of professional football players affect their salaries in salary negotiations. We distinguish between... -
Spillover Effects between the Stock Market and the Real Economy (Replication ...
This paper illustrates a behavioral mixed frequency macro-finance model where both real and financial variables are generated on a daily basis. Further, while financial sector... -
When Colleagues Come to See Each Other as Rivals: Does Internal Competition A...
The ReadMe-File contains a data availability statament and the basic Stata codes used in the paper -
The minimum wage in Greece: a review of institutional features, developments ...
This paper takes a historical perspective and assesses the evolution of the institutional features in setting the minimum wage in Greece between 1975 and 2023. It also evaluates... -
The Netherlands’ minimum wage 1969-2022: Can we learn from decline?
This paper evaluates the evolution of the Dutch minimum wage since its introduction in 1969 and discusses this as an intriguing case suggesting that a deeper, economic analysis... -
Football Fans’ Interest in and Willingness-To-Pay for Sustainable Merchandise...
Quantitative data were collected using an online survey of football fans and spectators of Arminia Bielefeld from April to June 2022. The link to the survey was provided on the... -
Pregnancy in the Paint and the Pitch: Does Giving Birth Impact Performance?
We examine the impact of giving birth on athletic performance of players in the Women’s National Basketball Association. Using data from media reports and National Womens... -
Race, Market Size, Segregation and Subsequent Opportunities for Former NFL He...
This study examines subsequent head coach opportunities for former National Football League (NFL) head coaches. Descriptive statistics indicate that Black former NFL head... -
Change in Home Bias Due to Ghost Games in the NFL Replication Data
We analyse changes in the National Football League (NFL) due to ghost games in 2020. The home bias disappears as expected. This also applies to semi-ghost games with... -
Source-code and datasets for: Performance-based pay and limited information a...
Content The provided content consists of two parts: First, the code of the agent-based simulation model (in the folder "Model") and, second, the data that is generated using the... -
An Empirical Estimation of NCAA Head Football Coaches Contract Duration
While previous research on head coach dismissals finds that team performance and managerial characteristics impact employment survival, these studies ignore the impact of... -
Fake News and Asset Price Dynamics - Simulation Code
Simulation code for the paper “Fake News and Asset Price Dynamics” by Sarah Mignot, Paolo Pellizzari and Frank Westerhoff, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik (Journal... -
A Matter of Values: On The Link between Economic Performance and Schwartz Hum...
The European Social Survey data from the 9th round is used. The original source file ESS9e02.dta is available on the ESS website. The following files are attached:... -
Effects of the German minimum wage on earnings and working time using establi...
This study examines the short-term effects of the introduction of a statutory minimum wage in Germany on hourly wages, monthly wages and paid working hours. We exploit a novel... -
The minimum wage in Germany: Institutional setting and a systematic review of...
The introduction of a statutory minimum wage in Germany in 2015 aimed at improving the welfare of low-wage workers but was also accompanied by concerns about distortions in... -
Time Scales of the Low-Carbon Transition - Data Sources and Sample Code
This ZIP file contains a readme.pdf, data sources, and sample code used for the paper "Time Scales of the Low-Carbon Transition". -
More on the influence of gender equality on gender differences in economic pr...
Introduction This study reproduces the results of the article Relationship of gender differences in preferences to economic development and gender equality (DOI:...