Guay Lim
Gael M. Martin
Vance L. Martin
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parametric pricing of higher order moments in s&p500 options (replication data)

A general parametric framework based on the generalized Student t-distribution is developed for pricing S&P500 options. Higher order moments in stock returns as well as time-varying volatility are priced. An important computational advantage of the proposed framework over Monte Carlo-based pricing methods is that options can be priced using one-dimensional quadrature integration. The empirical application is based on S&P500 options traded on select days in April 1995, a total sample of over 100,000 observations. A range of performance criteria are used to evaluate the proposed model, as well as a number of alternative models. The empirical results show that pricing higher order moments and time-varying volatility yields improvements in the pricing of options, as well as correcting the volatility skew associated with the Black-Scholes model.

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Suggested Citation

Lim, Guay; Martin, Gael M.; Martin, Vance L. (2005): Parametric pricing of higher order moments in S&P500 options (replication data). Version: 1. Journal of Applied Econometrics. Dataset.