Estimating the Natural Rate of Unemployment and Testing the Natural Rate Hypo...
How should one measure the natural rate of unemployment? This paper proposes a systems procedure as an alternative to NAIRU. The natural rate is treated as an unobserved state... -
Unit roots in the presence of abrupt governmental interventions with an appli...
This paper considers econometric issues related to time-series data that have been subject to abrupt governmental interventions. The motivating example for this study is the... -
Small sample properties of LIML and jackknife IV estimators: experiments with...
Using Monte Carlo simulations we study the small sample performance of the traditional TSLS, the LIML and four new jackknife IV estimators when the instruments are weak. We find... -
Jackknife instrumental variables estimation (replication data)
Two-stage-least-squares (2SLS) estimates are biased towards the probability limit of OLS estimates. This bias grows with the degree of over-identification and can generate...