The Engel curve for alcohol and the rank of demand systems (replication data)
This paper shows that the quadratic shape of the Engel curve for alcohol is induced by preference heterogeneity between drinkers and abstainers in a Japanese data set. With... -
Age–period–cohort decomposition of aggregate data: an application to US and J...
This paper compares two methods of analyzing aggregate data that is classified by period and age. Because there is a linear relationship among age, period, and cohort, it is not... -
Generalized long memory processes, failure of cointegration tests and exchang...
This paper presents evidence that the equilibrium relationship in a system of nominal exchange rates is best described as a stationary GARMA process. The implementation of the... -
Estimating and predicting multivariate volatility thresholds in global stock ...
We propose a general double tree structured AR-GARCH model for the analysis of global equity index returns. The model extends previous approaches by incorporating (i) several...