Bubbles and Crises: The Role of House Prices and Credit (replication data)
This paper utilizes quarterly panel data for 20 OECD countries over the period 1975:Q1-2014:Q2 to explore the importance of house prices and credit in affecting the likelihood... -
Error Correction Testing in Panels with Common Stochastic Trends (replication...
This paper develops panel data tests for the null hypothesis of no error correction in a model with common stochastic trends. The asymptotic distributions of the new test... -
Modelling Technical Efficiency in Cross Sectionally Dependent Stochastic Fron...
This paper proposes a unified framework for accommodating both time and cross-sectional dependence in modelling technical efficiency in stochastic frontier models by combining... -
Identification of Spatial Durbin Panel Models (replication data)
This paper considers identification of spatial Durbin dynamic panel models under 2SLS and ML estimations. We show that the parameters are generally identified via 2SLS moment...