Sequentially testing polynomial model hypotheses using power transforms of re...
We provide a methodology for testing a polynomial model hypothesis by generalizing the approach and results of Baek, Cho, and Phillips (Journal of Econometrics, 2015, 187,... -
Difference-in-differences when the treatment status is observed in only one p...
This paper considers the difference-in-differences (DID) method when the data come from repeated cross-sections and the treatment status is observed either before or after the... -
A sequential Monte Carlo approach to inference in multiple‐equation Markov‐sw...
Vector autoregressions with Markov-switching parameters (MS-VARs) offer substantial gains in data fit over VARs with constant parameters. However, Bayesian inference for MS-VARs... -
Using a Bayesian Structural Time–Series Model to Infer the Causal Impact on C...
The Bayesian structural time series model, used in conjunction with a state–space model, is a novel means of exploring the causal impact of a policy intervention. It extends the... -
Program code for "Does compressing high school duration affect students' stre...
This dataset has no description
The Evolution of Immigrants' Homeownership in Germany (replication data)
Recently, the homeownership rate of immigrants in Germany has increased by more than 20 percentage points. To shed light on this sharp rise, this paper investigates the driving... -
Saving Behavior and Housing Wealth - Evidence from German Micro Data (replica...
Housing property is the most important position in a household’s wealth portfolio. Even though there is strong evidence that house price cycles and saving patterns behave... -
Data set for Roodman replication of Bleakley 2007
Data and code for Roodman replication and reanalysis of Bleakley (2007), "Disease and Development: Evidence from Hookworm Eradication in the American South."