Forecasting stock returns with model uncertainty and parameter instability (r...
We compare several representative sophisticated model averaging and variable selection techniques of forecasting stock returns. When estimated traditionally, our results confirm... -
Predicting interest rates using shrinkage methods, real‐time diffusion indexe...
In the context of predicting the term structure of interest rates, we explore the marginal predictive content of real-time macroeconomic diffusion indexes extracted from a data... -
Comparing econometric methods to empirically evaluate activation programs for...
We test whether different identification strategies give similar results when evaluating activation programs. Budgetary problems at the Dutch unemployment insurance (UI)... -
Multidimensional skills and the returns to schooling: Evidence from an intera...
This paper presents new evidence on returns to schooling based on an interactive fixed-effects framework that allows for multiple unobserved skills with potentially time-varying... -
Is deflation costly after all? The perils of erroneous historical classificat...
I estimate average economic activity during periods of inflation and deflation while accounting for measurement errors in 19th century prices. These measurement errors lead to... -
Endogeneity and non‐response bias in treatment evaluation – nonparametric ide...
This paper proposes a nonparametric method for evaluating treatment effects in the presence of both treatment endogeneity and attrition/non-response bias, based on two... -
Family planning in a life‐cycle model with income risk (replication data)
Several US states have recently restricted the access to abortions. We study fertility intentions and how family planning and abortions are used as mechanisms to control... -
A distributional synthetic control method for policy evaluation (replication ...
We extend the synthetic control method to evaluate the distributional effects of policy intervention in the possible presence of poor matching. The counterfactuals (or... -
Model simplification and variable selection: A replication of the UK inflatio...
In this paper, we revisit the well-known UK inflation model by Hendry (Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2001, 16, 255-275. We replicate the results in a narrow sense using the... -
The gender-specific role of body weight for health, earnings and life satisfa...
This dataset has no description
Students' time allocation and school performance: A comparison between studen...
We use the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), data for years 1984-2014, version 31, SOEP, 2015, doi:10.5684/soep.v31, which is subject to data protection regulation and is not allowed... -
Germany’s growth prospects against the backdrop of demographic change (Replic...
Replication files for: Breuer, S. and S. Elstner: "Germany’s growth prospects against the backdrop of demographic change" Journal of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming. * All...