Working from home, wages, and regional inequality in the light of COVID-19”
The paper uses data from the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey of the Working Population on Qualification and Working Conditions in Germany 2018, doi: 10.7803/501. The... -
The Nonlinear Dynamics of Corporate Bond Spreads: Regime-Dependent Effects of...
This paper studies the behavior of corporate bond spreads during different market regimes between 2004 and 2016. Applying a Markov-switching vector autoregressive (MS-VAR)... -
Data for 37 Brazilian banks
In data envelopment analysis, returns to scale (RTS) are a widely accepted instrument for a company to reveal its activity scaling potentials. In the case of increasing returns... -
Lifetime Cost of Living and Effective Prices: Theory and Evidence for Germany...
The files include two datasets and a readme-file -
(Since When) Are East and West German Business Cycles Synchronised? - replica...
We analyze whether, and since when, East and West German business cycles are synchronised. We investigate real GDP, unemployment rates and survey data as business cycle...