Combining shrinkage and sparsity in conjugate vector autoregressive models (r...
Conjugate priors allow for fast inference in large dimensional vector autoregressive (VAR) models. But at the same time, they introduce the restriction that each equation... -
Measuring global economic activity (replication data)
A number of economic studies have used a proxy for world real economic activity derived from shipping costs. This measure turns out to depend on a normalization that has... -
Time‐varying income elasticities of healthcare expenditure for the OECD and E...
We propose a panel data model for nonstationary variables with interactive fixed effects and coefficients that may vary over time and use it to examine time variation in the... -
Supply flexibility in the shale patch: Evidence from North Dakota (replicatio...
This paper provides new results to the literature, showing that output flexibility in oil production depends on the extraction technology. In particular, constructing a novel... -
Social interactions and social preferences in social networks (replication data)
We study social interactions when individuals hold altruistic preferences in social networks. Rich network features can be captured in the resulting best response function. The... -
Fueling conflict? (De)escalation and bilateral aid (replication data)
This paper studies the effects of bilateral foreign aid on conflict escalation and deescalation. First, we develop a new ordinal measure capturing the two-sided and multifaceted... -
Nonlinear effects of government spending shocks in the USA: Evidence from sta...
This paper uses state-level data to estimate the effect of government spending shocks during expansions and recessions. By employing a mixed-frequency framework, we are able to... -
Common correlated effect cross‐sectional dependence corrections for nonlinear...
This paper provides an approach to estimation and inference for nonlinear conditional mean panel data models, in the presence of cross-sectional dependence. We modify Pesaran's... -
Real‐time detection of regimes of predictability in the US equity premium (re...
We propose new real-time monitoring procedures for the emergence of end-of-sample predictive regimes using sequential implementations of standard (heteroskedasticity-robust)... -
Reevaluating the prudence of economic forecasts in the EU: The role of instru...
Christodoulakis and Mamatzakis (2009, Journal of Applied Econometrics 24, pp. 583-606) estimate the EU Commission loss preferences for selected economic forecasts of 12 EU... -
Estimation and inference for spatial models with heterogeneous coefficients: ...
This paper considers the estimation and inference of spatial panel data models with heterogeneous spatial lag coefficients, with and without weakly exogenous regressors, and... -
Does Variable Shiftwork Explain Away Productivity Shocks? A Bayesian Approach...
MacroconomicData.csv - contains relevant US macro data capitalparameters.csv, finalgoodparameters.csv, laborparameters.csv, oneshiftparameters.csv - contain the parameter... -
The Estimation of Reaction Functions under Tax Competition
Most of the empirical literature on tax competition has been using panel models in which each country's tax rate responds to a weighted average of other countries' tax rates,... -
A macro-level analysis of language learning and migration
This article investigates the macro-level drivers of adult-age language learning with a focus on migration based on a new dataset on German language learning in 77 countries... -
Determinants of corporate savings in Germany
From the early 2000s onwards, the rise in net lending of the non-financial corporate sector has contributed substantially to the increase in the German current account surplus.... -
Sudden Stop: When Did Firms Anticipate the Potential Consequences of COVID-19?
COVID-19 hit firms by surprise. In a high frequency, representative panel of German firms, the business outlook declined and business uncertainty increased only at the time when... -
Digitalization, Industry Concentration, and Productivity in Germany
This paper investigates the links of digitalization and industry concentration with labor productivity at the sectoral level in Germany. Combining data for digitalization and... -
The Effects of Financing Rules in Pay-As-You-Go Pension Systems on the Life a...
Empirically, revenues of public pension systems are more volatile than expenditures. Therefore, the question arises how the social security authority should buffer its revenues... -
Macroeconomic Long-Run Effects of the German Minimum Wage when Labor Markets ...
This paper analyzes the introduction of the German minimum wage in 2015 in a structural model geared to quantitatively assess its long-run economic effects. We first employ a... -
Triplets, Quads and Quints: Estimating Disaggregate Trade Elasticities with D...
Trade elasticities are a crucial variable for research on international trade. Caliendo and Parro (2015) provide a novel method to estimate trade elasticities which is based on...