A reassessment of likelihood approximation by integration on sparse grids (re...
Dataset for "“A reassessment of likelihood approximation by integration on sparse grids” by Szilárd Madaras and Zsolt Sándor (Journal of Applied Econometrics) -
Reassessing the Predictive Power of the Yield Spread for Recessions in the Un...
Details of the Data and Code for this paper are in readme_cv.pdf. Abstract Rudebusch and Williams (2009, RW) predict recessions in the United States utilising a probit model... -
R code to produce the result in the erratum related to Barceló, J. (2024). Omitted Variable Bias and Wartime Legacies: A Reply to Malesky and Nguyen(2024) -
Spread Regression, Skewness Regression and Kurtosis Regression with an Applic...
Quantile regression provides a powerful tool to study the effects of covariates on key quantiles of conditional distribution. Yet we often still lack a general picture about how... -
Tracking Economic Activity With Alternative High-Frequency Data (replication ...
This data package contains the replication data files data_ch.Rda and data_ch.xlsx related to the Journal of Applied Econometrics article titled Tracking Economic Activity With... -
Spillover Effects between the Stock Market and the Real Economy (Replication ...
This paper illustrates a behavioral mixed frequency macro-finance model where both real and financial variables are generated on a daily basis. Further, while financial sector... -
Breaks in the Phillips Curve: Evidence from Panel Data (replication data)
Dataset for "Breaks in the Phillips Curve: Evidence from Panel Data" by Simon C. Smith, Allan Timmermann and Jonathan H. Wright (Journal of Applied Econometrics) -
Binary response model with many weak instruments (replication data)
Data and replication information for empirical applications in the paper "Binary response model with many weak instruments" by Dakyung Seong (Journal of Applied Econometrics) -
Model averaging and double machine learning (replication data)
This is the replication repository for the paper "Model averaging and double machine learning" by Achim Ahrens, Christian Hansen, Mark Schaffer and Thomas Wiemann (Journal of... -
Analysis of upstream, downstream and common firm shocks using a large factor-...
We provide all necessary code files to create networks using two different approaches as explained in the paper, as well as codes to compare and display the networks. Because of... -
Specification choices in quantile regression for empirical macroeconomics (re...
Data and computer programs used to produce the results in Andrea Carriero, Todd E. Clark, and Massimiliano Marcellino, "Specification Choices in Quantile Regression for... -
Need for Cognition, Cognitive Load, and Forewarning do not Moderate Anchoring...
Contains all scripts and datastes to reproduce results from the paper. To reproduce results from all figures and tables, run the master-script "analyses_master.R" in R and go to... -
Cost pass-through in commodity markets with capacity constraints and internat...
Instructions for replications of the results in the paper “Cost pass-through in commodity markets with capacity constraints and international linkages” by Reinhard Ellwanger,... -
Multiple structural breaks in interactive effects panel data models (replicat...
This dataset contains the data and instructions on how to replicate the results in the paper "Multiple structural breaks in interactive effects panel data models", by Jan... -
Uncertainty, skewness, and the business cycle through the MIDAS lens: replica...
Data and replication information for "Uncertainty, skewness, and the business cycle through the MIDAS lens" by Efrem Castelnuovo and Lorenzo Mori; published in Journal of... -
Exploiting news analytics for volatility forecasting: replication data
Data and replication information for "Exploiting news analytics for volatility forecasting" by Simon Tranberg Bodilsen and Asger Lunde; published in Journal of Applied... -
Bonferroni-type tests for return predictability with possibly trending predic...
Data and Gauss programs to run tests for predictability outlined in the paper "Bonferroni-type tests for return predictability with possibly trending predictors" by Robert... -
Quantile-based test for heterogeneous treatment effects (replication data)
We introduce a permutation test for heterogeneous treatment effects based on the quantile process. However, tests based on the quantile process often suffer from estimated... -
Omitted Variable Bias and Wartime Legacies. A Response to Malesky and Nguyen ...
Malesky and Nguyen (2024, Journal of Comments and Replications in Economics, MN) reassess a recent study on the long-term effects of wartime violence on civic engagement in... -
Progressive Taxation and Social Welfare: Quantifying the Effects of the "Germ...
The German “Tax-Reform 2000” involved a strong reduction in the progressivity of labor income taxation. It led to a rise in overall labor income, but also increased income...