Interacting treatments with endogenous takeup (replication data)
Replication data and software code in R format for replicating the empirical results in the paper "Interacting Treatments with Endogenous Takeup" by Máté Kormos, Robert P.... -
Bonferroni-type tests for return predictability with possibly trending predic...
Data and Gauss programs to run tests for predictability outlined in the paper "Bonferroni-type tests for return predictability with possibly trending predictors" by Robert... -
Structural breaks and GARCH models of exchange rate volatility: Re-examinatio...
Data and replication information for "Structural breaks and GARCH models of exchange rate volatility: Re-examination and extension" by Akram Hasanov, Robert Brooks, Aktam... -
Heterogeneous autoregressions in short T panel data models (replication data)
This paper considers a first-order autoregressive panel data model with individual-specific effects and heterogeneous autoregressive coefficients defined on the interval (-1,1],... -
Nowcasting Norwegian household consumption with debit card transaction data (...
This entry contains information about the data used in our analysis. The debit card transaction data that we use are confidential and cannot be made publicly available.... -
Real-time weakness of the global economy (replication data)
This archive contains the replication files for the paper "Real-time weakness of the global economy" by Danilo Leiva-León, Gabriel Pérez-Quirós and Eyno Rots, published in the...