Intergenerational scars: The impact of parental unemployment on individual he...
This paper studies whether individuals that experienced parental unemployment during their childhood/early adolescence have poorer health once they reach the adulthood. We used... -
Trade uncertainty, economic policy uncertainty and shipping costs
We examine how trade and policy uncertainty affect shipping freight rates, using a Bayesian Vector Autoregression (BVAR) model. Trade uncertainty has a strong effect on shipping... -
Progressive Taxation and Social Welfare: Quantifying the Effects of the "Germ...
The German “Tax-Reform 2000” involved a strong reduction in the progressivity of labor income taxation. It led to a rise in overall labor income, but also increased income... -
Unraveling the Productivity Paradox: Evidence for Germany
Despite massive digitization efforts, the German economy has experienced a marked slowdown in its productivity growth. This paper empirically analyzes three prominent... -
Regional Industrial Effects in Germany from a Potential Gas Deficit
We estimate potential regional industrial effects in case of a threatening gas deficit. For Germany, the reduction leads to a potential decrease in industrial value added by... -
Retained Earnings, Foreign Portfolio Ownership, and the German Current Accoun...
In some countries, a sizable fraction of savings is derived from corporate savings. Although larger, traded corporations are often co-owned by foreign portfolio investors,...