Breaks in the Phillips Curve: Evidence from Panel Data (replication data)
Dataset for "Breaks in the Phillips Curve: Evidence from Panel Data" by Simon C. Smith, Allan Timmermann and Jonathan H. Wright (Journal of Applied Econometrics) -
Model averaging and double machine learning (replication data)
This is the replication repository for the paper "Model averaging and double machine learning" by Achim Ahrens, Christian Hansen, Mark Schaffer and Thomas Wiemann (Journal of... -
Specification choices in quantile regression for empirical macroeconomics (re...
Data and computer programs used to produce the results in Andrea Carriero, Todd E. Clark, and Massimiliano Marcellino, "Specification Choices in Quantile Regression for... -
Cost pass-through in commodity markets with capacity constraints and internat...
Instructions for replications of the results in the paper “Cost pass-through in commodity markets with capacity constraints and international linkages” by Reinhard Ellwanger,... -
Uncertainty, skewness, and the business cycle through the MIDAS lens: replica...
Data and replication information for "Uncertainty, skewness, and the business cycle through the MIDAS lens" by Efrem Castelnuovo and Lorenzo Mori; published in Journal of... -
Bonferroni-type tests for return predictability with possibly trending predic...
Data and Gauss programs to run tests for predictability outlined in the paper "Bonferroni-type tests for return predictability with possibly trending predictors" by Robert... -
Quantile-based test for heterogeneous treatment effects (replication data)
We introduce a permutation test for heterogeneous treatment effects based on the quantile process. However, tests based on the quantile process often suffer from estimated... -
Optimal multi-action treatment allocation: A two-phase field experiment to bo...
Research underscores the role of naturalization in enhancing immigrants' socio-economic integration, yet application rates remain low. We estimate a policy rule for a... -
Structural breaks and GARCH models of exchange rate volatility: Re-examinatio...
Data and replication information for "Structural breaks and GARCH models of exchange rate volatility: Re-examination and extension" by Akram Hasanov, Robert Brooks, Aktam... -
Fast and order-invariant inference in Bayesian VARs with non-parametric shock...
The shocks which hit macroeconomic models such as Vector Autoregressions (VARs) have the potential to be non-Gaussian, exhibiting asymmetries and fat tails. This consideration... -
The boosted HP filter is more general than you might think (replication data)
Here we provide the data and code that accompanies "The boosted HP filter is more general than you might think" by Ziwei Mei, Peter C. B. Phillips and Zhentao Shi. Published in... -
Heterogeneous autoregressions in short T panel data models (replication data)
This paper considers a first-order autoregressive panel data model with individual-specific effects and heterogeneous autoregressive coefficients defined on the interval (-1,1],... -
Medical marijuana legalization and parenting behaviors (replication data)
Data and replication information for “Medical marijuana legalization and parenting behaviors: An analysis of the time use of parents” (Jun Hyung Kim and Cynthia Bansak),... -
Explaining the decline of China's labor share: A wide replication of Oberfiel...
Data and replication information for "Explaining the decline of China's labor share: A wide replication of Oberfield & Raval (2021)" by Wen Zhang and Hong Yang, published in... -
The Effect of plough agriculture on gender roles: A machine learning approach...
Data and replication code for "The effect of plough agriculture on gender roles: A machine learning approach" by Anna Baiardi and Andrea A. Naghi, published in Journal of... -
The propagation of business expectations within the European Union (replicati...
Data sets employed in the paper "The propagation of business expectations within the European Union" by Anja Sebbesen and Harald Oberhofer. Published in Journal of Applied... -
The US structural transformation and regional convergence: Racial heterogenei...
Data and replication materials for "The US structural transformation and regional convergence: Racial heterogeneity" by Minki Kim and Munseob Lee. Published in Journal of... -
News or animal spirits? Consumer confidence and economic activity: Redux (rep...
Barsky and Sims (2012, AER) demonstrated, via indirect inference, that confidence innovations can be viewed as noisy signals about medium-term economic growth. They highlighted... -
Quantiles of the gain distribution of an early childhood intervention (replic...
Data and replication materials for "Quantiles of the gain distribution of an early childhood intervention" by Erich Battistin, Carlos Lamarche and Enrico Rettore. Published in... -
Robots at work? Pitfalls of industry level data (replication data)
Replication material for "Robots at work? Pitfalls of industry level data" by Karim Bekhtiar, Benjamin Bittschi and Richard Sellner. Published in Journal of Applied...