The approximate solution of finite‐horizon discrete‐choice dynamic programmin...
The estimation of finite-horizon discrete-choice dynamic programming (DCDP) models is computationally expensive. This limits their realism and impedes verification and... -
The evolution of scale economies in US banking (replication data)
Continued consolidation of the US banking industry and a general increase in the size of banks have prompted some policymakers to consider policies that discourage banks from... -
Decomposing economic mobility transition matrices (replication data)
We present a decomposition method for transition matrices to identify forces driving the persistence of economic status across generations. The method decomposes differences... -
Predicting crude oil prices: Replication of the empirical results in “What do...
In addition to their theoretical analysis of the joint determination of oil futures prices and oil spot prices, Alquist and Kilian (Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2010, 25(4),... -
Weak-instrument robust inference for two-sample instrumental variables regres...
Instrumental variable (IV) methods for regression are well established. More recently, methods have been developed for statistical inference when the instruments are weakly... -
Estimation of Poverty Transition Matrices with Noisy Data (replication data)
This paper investigates measurement error biases in estimated poverty transition matrices. We compare transition matrices based on survey expenditure data to transition matrices... -
Sharp IV Bounds on Average Treatment Effects on the Treated and Other Populat...
In the presence of an endogenous binary treatment and a valid binary instrument, causal effects are point identified only for the subpopulation of compliers, given that the... -
Anticipation, Tax Avoidance, and the Price Elasticity of Gasoline Demand (rep...
Least-squares estimates of the response of gasoline consumption to a change in the gasoline price are biased toward zero, given the endogeneity of gasoline prices. A seemingly... -
Average and Marginal Returns to Upper Secondary Schooling in Indonesia (repli...
This paper estimates average and marginal returns to schooling in Indonesia using a semiparametric selection model. Identification of the model is given by geographic variation... -
Modeling and Forecasting Large Realized Covariance Matrices and Portfolio Cho...
We consider modeling and forecasting large realized covariance matrices by penalized vector autoregressive models. We consider Lasso-type estimators to reduce the dimensionality... -
Estimation of Dynamic Panel Data Models with Cross-Sectional Dependence: Usin...
This paper considers the estimation of dynamic panel data models when data are suspected to exhibit cross-sectional dependence. A new estimator is defined that uses... -
A Two-Stage Approach to Spatio-Temporal Analysis with Strong and Weak Cross-S...
An understanding of the spatial dimension of economic and social activity requires methods that can separate out the relationship between spatial units that is due to the effect... -
Evaluating Point and Density Forecasts of DSGE Models (replication data)
This paper investigates the accuracy of forecasts from four dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models for inflation, output growth and the federal funds rate using a... -
Using OLS to Estimate and Test for Structural Changes in Models with Endogeno...
We consider the problem of estimating and testing for multiple breaks in a single-equation framework with regressors that are endogenous, i.e. correlated with the errors. We... -
Bayesian VARs: Specification Choices and Forecast Accuracy (replication data)
In this paper we discuss how the point and density forecasting performance of Bayesian vector autoregressions (BVARs) is affected by a number of specification choices. We adopt... -
Cointegration in Panel Data with Structural Breaks and Cross-Section Dependen...
The power of standard panel cointegration statistics may be affected by misspecification errors if structural breaks in the parameters generating the process are not considered.... -
We calculate, by simulations, numerical asymptotic distribution functions of likelihood ratio tests for fractional unit roots and cointegration rank. Because these distributions... -
Investment decisions in manufacturing: assessing the effects of real oil pric...
We investigate the effects of real oil prices and their uncertainty on investment decisions. Making use of plant-level data, we estimate dynamic, discrete-choice models that... -
Stochastic monotonicity in intergenerational mobility tables (replication data)
The aim of this paper is to test for stochastic monotonicity in intergenerational socio-economic mobility tables. In other words, we question whether having a parent from a high... -
Random Recursive Partitioning: a matching method for the estimation of the av...
In this paper we introduce the Random Recursive Partitioning (RRP) matching method. RRP generates a proximity matrix which might be useful in econometric applications like...