Stylized facts of daily return series and the hidden Markov model (replicatio...
In two recent papers, Granger and Ding (1995a,b) considered long return series that are first differences of logarithmed price series or price indices. They established a set of... -
Substitution, risk aversion, taste shocks and equity premia (replication data)
This paper gauges the relative contribution of risk aversion, inter-temporal substitution and taste shocks on postwar monthly US equity premia. The time-varying consumption,... -
A threshold error-correction model for intraday futures and index returns (re...
Index-futures arbitragers only enter into the market if the deviation from the arbitrage relation is sufficiently large to compensate for transaction costs and associated... -
Identifying the source of dynamics in disaggregated import data (replication ...
This paper uses Kennan's (1988) model to separately identify supply-side and demand-side dynamics in US import data. Dynamics arise from both autocorrelated shocks to supply-... -
Unemployment persistence: does the size of the shock matter? (replication data)
One of the stylized facts of unemployment is that shifts in its mean rate between decades and half-decades account for most of its variance. In this paper, we use a statistical...