Is there a unit root in the inflation rate? Evidence from sequential break an...
Using sequential trend break and panel data models, we investigate the unit root hypothesis for the inflation rates of thirteen OECD countries. With individual country tests, we... -
Testing for convergence: evidence from non-parametric multimodality tests (re...
In this paper, we test the convergence hypothesis in a cross-section of 119 countries by means of bootstrap multimodality tests and nonparametric density estimation techniques.... -
Applied cointegration analysis in the mirror of macroeconomic theory (replica...
Cointegration analyses of macroeconomic time series are often not based on fully specified theoretical models. We use a theoretical model to scrutinize common procedures in... -
Persistence of shocks on seasonal processes (replication data)
The paper addresses the issue of measuring the persistence of shocks on seasonally integrated processes observed at quarterly intervals. We show that the amplitude of the... -
The inconsistency of common scale estimators when output prices are unobserve...
This paper explores the inconsistency of common scale estimators when output is proxied by deflated sales, based on a common output deflator across firms. The problem arises... -
Credit rationing and threshold effects in the relation between money and outp...
The possibility that the effect of monetary policy on output may depend on whether credit conditions are tight or loose can be expressed as a non-linearity in the relation... -
Analytic derivatives and the computation of GARCH estimates (replication data)
In the context of univariate GARCH models we show how analytic first and second derivatives of the log-likelihood can be successfully employed for estimation purposes. Maximum... -
Computing median unbiased estimates in macroeconometric models (replication d...
A stochastic simulation procedure is proposed in this paper for obtaining median unbiased (MU) estimates in macroeconometric models. MU estimates are computed for lagged... -
Cyclical output, cyclical unemployment, and Okun's coefficient: A new approac...
Estimates of Okun's coefficient are obtained using new estimates of cyclical GNP and cyclical unemployment rates for the post-war USA. Empirical estimates of the coefficient are... -
A class of binary response models for grouped duration data (replication data)
This paper explores the relationship between conventional models for binary response such as the probit and logit, and the proportional hazard (PH) and related specifications... -
Japan's financial deregulation and linkage of the Gensaki and Euroyen deposit...
This paper examines whether Japan's financial deregulation weakened the linkage between the Euroyen and Gensaki markets. It defines and analyses the linkage of the two markets... -
Forecasting exchange rates using feedforward and recurrent neural networks (r...
In this paper we investigate the out-of-sample forecasting ability of feedforward and recurrent neural networks based on empirical foreign exchange rate data. A two-step... -
Modelling market fundamentals: A model of the aluminium market (replication d...
The standard approach to modelling primary commodity markets under rational expectations is to relate the commodity price to the production and consumption surprises (i.e. the... -
Multiple regimes and cross-country growth behaviour (replication data)
This paper provides some new evidence on the behaviour of cross-country growth rates. We reject the linear model commonly used to study cross-country growth behaviour in favour... -
A structural model of aircraft engine maintenance (replication data)
We develop and estimate a simple regenerative optimal stopping model of aircraft engine maintenance that attempts to describe the behaviour of airline maintenance personnel. The... -
Common Trends and Common Cycles (replication data)
The existence of a serial correlation common feature among the first differences of a set of I(1) variables implies the existence of a common cycle in the... -
A re-examination of the q theory of investment using u.s. firm data (replicat...
Investment models based on Tobin's q are theoretically appealing, but they have been an empirical disappointment when applied to aggregate time-series data. This paper explores... -
Are price equations really money demand equations on their heads? (replicatio...
This dataset has no description
A tripolar model of gas price formation in Germany. Does the shale revolution...
The data set includes 204 monthly observations starting from Jan 2005. The file: variables.txt contains 10 variables used for the analysis. All variables are denoted in natural... -
Designing Strategic Games With Preestablished Nash Equilibrium Through Artifi...
This work presents {novel} results obtained by the application of global optimization techniques to the design of finite, normal form games with mixed strategies. To that end,...