Does peer ability affect student achievement? (replication data)
Empirical analysis of peer effects on student achievement has been open to question because of the difficulties of separating peer effects from other confounding influences.... -
Peer effects, financial aid and selection of students into colleges and unive...
This paper develops a model in which colleges seek to maximize the quality of the educational experience provided to their students. We deduce predictions about the hierarchy of... -
GO-GARCH: a multivariate generalized orthogonal GARCH model (replication data)
Multivariate GARCH specifications are typically determined by means of practical considerations such as the ease of estimation, which often results in a serious loss of... -
A theoretical comparison between integrated and realized volatility (replicat...
In this paper we provide both qualitative and quantitative measures of the precision of measuring integrated volatility by realized volatility for a fixed frequency of... -
Modelling and forecasting level shifts in absolute returns (replication data)
Due to high and low volatility periods, time series of absolute returns experience temporary level shifts which differ in length and size. In this paper we modify the basic... -
Bridging the gap between the distribution of realized (ECU) volatility and AR...
This paper bridges the gap between traditional ARCH modelling and recent advances on realized volatilities. Based on a ten-year sample of five-minute returns for the ECU basket... -
New frontiers for arch models (replication data)
In the 20 years following the publication of the ARCH model, there has been a vast quantity of research uncovering the properties of competing volatility models. Wide-ranging... -
Time irreversibility and EGARCH effects in US stock index returns (replicatio...
In this paper we suggest using a modified version of the time reversibility (TR) test of Chen, Chou and Kuan (2000) as a complementary diagnostic test for time series models.... -
Maximum likelihood estimation of STAR and STAR-GARCH models: theory and Monte...
Theoretical and practical interest in non-linear time series models, particularly regime switching models, have increased substantially in recent years. Given the abundant... -
Estimating quadratic variation using realized variance (replication data)
This paper looks at some recent work on estimating quadratic variation using realized variance (RV)?that is, sums of M squared returns. This econometrics has been motivated by... -
Detecting multiple breaks in financial market volatility dynamics (replicatio...
The paper evaluates the performance of several recently proposed tests for structural breaks in the conditional variance dynamics of asset returns. The tests apply to the class... -
A score test for non-nested hypotheses with applications to discrete data mod...
In this paper it is shown that a convenient score test against non-nested alternatives can be constructed from the linear combination of the likelihood functions of the... -
Review of Stata 7 (replication data)
This dataset has no description
Model uncertainty in cross-country growth regressions (replication data)
We investigate the issue of model uncertainty in cross-country growth regressions using Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA). We find that the posterior probability is spread widely... -
Income distribution and income dynamics in the United Kingdom (replication data)
In this paper, we propose a model of income dynamics which takes account of mobility both within and between jobs. The model is a hybrid of the mover-stayer model of income... -
Unemployment insurance and subsequent job duration: job matching versus unobs...
The relationship between Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefit duration, unemployment duration and subsequent job duration is investigated using a multi-state duration model with... -
Uncovering financial markets' beliefs about inflation targets (replication data)
This paper exploits the term structure of interest rates to develop testable economic restrictions on the joint process of long-term interest rates and inflation when the latter... -
Mixed MNL models for discrete response (replication data)
This paper considers mixed, or random coefficients, multinomial logit (MMNL) models for discrete response, and establishes the following results. Under mild regularity... -
Near unit roots, cointegration, and the term structure of interest rates (rep...
The term structure of interest rates is often modelled as a cointegrated system with the yield spreads forming the cointegrating vectors. Testing whether the yield spreads span... -
Tests for multiple forecast encompassing (replication data)
In the evaluation of economic forecasts, it is frequently the case that comparisons are made between a number of competing predictors. A natural question to ask in such contexts...