The relationship between wage growth and wage levels (replication data)
We estimate the covariance between the permanent component of wages and a random coefficient on experience in models both with potential experience and with actual experience.... -
Aggregation is not the solution: the PPP puzzle strikes back (replication data)
Recently, Imbs, Mumtaz, Ravn and Rey (2005, hereinafter IMRR) have argued that much of the purchasing power parity (PPP) puzzle is due to upwardly biased estimates of... -
Comovements and heterogeneity in the euro area analyzed in a non-stationary d...
This paper establishes stylized facts on comovements and heterogeneity of individual euro area countries' output and price developments in the past two decades. For this... -
A re-examination of the stationarity of inflation (replication data)
In a recent examination of the integrated nature of inflation, Culver and Papell (Journal of Applied Econometrics, 1997) applied a range of unit root and stationarity tests to... -
Semiparametric Bayesian inference for dynamic Tobit panel data models with un...
This paper develops semiparametric Bayesian methods for inference of dynamic Tobit panel data models. Our approach requires that the conditional mean dependence of the... -
The wages of BMI: Bayesian analysis of a skewed treatment-response model with...
We generalize the specifications used in previous studies of the effect of body mass index (BMI) on earnings by allowing the potentially endogenous BMI variable to enter the log... -
Efficiency externalities of trade and alternative forms of foreign investment...
The literature on the spillover effects of trade and inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI) has concentrated on technological externalities. Little effort has been directed... -
R&D and subsidies at the firm level: an application of parametric and sem...
This paper analyzes the effect of public R&D subsidies on firms' private R&D investment per employee and new product sales in German manufacturing. Parametric and... -
Semiparametric hedonic price models: assessing the effects of agricultural no...
In the area of environmental analysis using hedonic price models, we investigate the performance of various nonparametric and semiparametric specifications. The proposed model... -
Are risk-averse agents more optimistic? A Bayesian estimation approach (repli...
Our aim is to analyze the link between optimism and risk aversion in a subjective expected utility setting and to estimate the average level of optimism when weighted by risk... -
Rotterdam model versus almost ideal demand system: will the best specificatio...
The Rotterdam model and the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) are often applied in consumer demand systems modeling. Using Monte Carlo techniques, we determine which model... -
Identification of parameters in normal error component logit-mixture (NECLM) ...
Although the basic structure of logit-mixture models is well understood, important identification and normalization issues often get overlooked. This paper addresses issues... -
An extortionary guerrilla movement (replication data)
This paper models an extortionary relationship between a pipeline operator and a guerrilla movement. Payment and attack decisions are modeled as an infinite-horizon Markov... -
Efficiency of the California electricity reserves market (replication data)
We test the efficiency of the California electricity reserves market by examining systematic differences between its day- and hour-ahead prices. We uncover significant day-ahead... -
Permanent and transitory wages of British men, 1975–2001: year, age and cohor...
We examine the mean and variance-covariance structure of log-wages over calendar time and the life cycle of British men, hereby controlling for birth cohort effects. We... -
Growth, technological interdependence and spatial externalities: theory and e...
This paper presents a theoretical growth model which explicitly takes into account technological interdependence among economies and examines the impact of spillover effects.... -
Meta-analysis in model implementation: choice sets and the valuation of air q...
This research illustrates how the methods developed for meta-analysis can serve to document and summarize voluminous information derived from repeated sensitivity analyses. Our... -
The emerging market crisis and stock market linkages: further evidence (repli...
This study examines the long-run price relationship and the dynamic price transmission among the USA, Germany, and four major Eastern European emerging stock markets, with... -
Semi-parametric estimation of consumption-based equivalence scales: the case ...
Consumption-based equivalence scales are estimated by applying the extended partially linear model (EPLM) to the 1998 German Income and Consumption Survey (EVS). In this model... -
Assessing the effects of measurement errors on the estimation of production f...
This article explores to what extent the poor results that are often found when estimating parameters of production functions can be attributed to measurement errors, due to the...