Specification choices in quantile regression for empirical macroeconomics (re...
Data and computer programs used to produce the results in Andrea Carriero, Todd E. Clark, and Massimiliano Marcellino, "Specification Choices in Quantile Regression for... -
Exploiting news analytics for volatility forecasting: replication data
Data and replication information for "Exploiting news analytics for volatility forecasting" by Simon Tranberg Bodilsen and Asger Lunde; published in Journal of Applied... -
Structural breaks and GARCH models of exchange rate volatility: Re-examinatio...
Data and replication information for "Structural breaks and GARCH models of exchange rate volatility: Re-examination and extension" by Akram Hasanov, Robert Brooks, Aktam... -
Fast and order-invariant inference in Bayesian VARs with non-parametric shock...
The shocks which hit macroeconomic models such as Vector Autoregressions (VARs) have the potential to be non-Gaussian, exhibiting asymmetries and fat tails. This consideration... -
Nowcasting Norwegian household consumption with debit card transaction data (...
This entry contains information about the data used in our analysis. The debit card transaction data that we use are confidential and cannot be made publicly available.... -
Tests for equal forecast accuracy under heteroskedasticity (replication data)
This archive contains the replication files for "Tests for equal forecast accuracy under heteroskedasticity" by David Harvey, Stephen Leybourne and Yang Zu, in Journal of... -
Heterogeneous responses to corporate marginal tax rates: Evidence from small ...
Do small and large firms respond differently to tax cuts? Using new narrative measures of the exogenous variation in corporate marginal tax rates and a unique dataset of U.S.... -
Subspace shrinkage in conjugate Bayesian vector autoregressions (replication ...
For the empirical exercise we use quarterly macroeconomic data for the US, obtained from the FRED-QD database (https://research.stlouisfed.org/econ/mccracken/fred-databases/)....