Is Blood Thicker than Water? The Impact of Player Agencies on Player Salaries...
In this article, we analyze how different representation models of professional football players affect their salaries in salary negotiations. We distinguish between... -
Pregnancy in the Paint and the Pitch: Does Giving Birth Impact Performance?
We examine the impact of giving birth on athletic performance of players in the Women’s National Basketball Association. Using data from media reports and National Womens... -
Race, Market Size, Segregation and Subsequent Opportunities for Former NFL He...
This study examines subsequent head coach opportunities for former National Football League (NFL) head coaches. Descriptive statistics indicate that Black former NFL head... -
Change in Home Bias Due to Ghost Games in the NFL Replication Data
We analyse changes in the National Football League (NFL) due to ghost games in 2020. The home bias disappears as expected. This also applies to semi-ghost games with... -
An Empirical Estimation of NCAA Head Football Coaches Contract Duration
While previous research on head coach dismissals finds that team performance and managerial characteristics impact employment survival, these studies ignore the impact of... -
Market Access and Quality Upgrading: Evidence from Four Field Experiments. A ...
Bold et al. (2022) investigate the effect of providing access to a larger, centralized market where quality is rewarded with a premium on farm productivity and framing incomes... -
Peer desirability and academic achievement (replication data)
Replication materials for the paper “Peer desirability and academic achievement" by Adrian Mehic. It contains a readme file, one Excel document, and one Stata do file. -
Revisiting the effect of growing up in a recession on attitudes towards redis...
Giuliano and Spilimbergo (2014) show that individuals who experienced a recession when young are more likely to favor redistribution in the short and long run. We revisit their... -
Culture: An Empirical Investigation of Beliefs, Work, and Fertility. A Verifi...
These data and code reproduce the results presented in the paper "Culture: An Empirical Investigation of Beliefs, Work, and Fertility A Verification and Reproduction of... -
Public Investment Subsidies and Firm Performance – Evidence from Germany – re...
This paper assesses firm-level effects of the single largest investment subsidy programme in Germany. The analysis considers grants allocated to firms in East German regions...