Revisiting the effect of growing up in a recession on attitudes towards redis...
Giuliano and Spilimbergo (2014) show that individuals who experienced a recession when young are more likely to favor redistribution in the short and long run. We revisit their... -
Real estate agents influence on housing search (replication data)
This paper investigates different mechanisms for real estate agents? influence in housing search. Using residential listing data, I find descriptive evidence suggesting an... -
Forecasting Consumption: the Role of Consumer Confidence in Real Time with ma...
We study the role of consumer confidence in forecasting real personal consumption expenditure, and contribute to the extant literature in three substantive ways. First, we... -
A bounds analysis of school completion rates in Australia (replication data)
Official estimates of school completion rates in Australia increased in the 1980s, peaked in 1992, and fell immediately thereafter before stabilizing. The official estimates...