Learning and fatigue during choice experiments: a comparison of online and ma...
This study investigates the effect of survey mode on respondent learning and fatigue during repeated choice experiments. Stated preference data are obtained from an experiment... -
Inferring disability status from corrupt data (replication data)
In light of widespread concerns about the reliability of self-reported disability, we investigate what can be learned about the prevalence of work disability under various... -
From temporary help jobs to permanent employment: what can we learn from matc...
The diffusion of temporary work agency (TWA) jobs has led to a harsh policy debate and ambiguous empirical evidence. Results for the USA, based on quasi-experimental evidence,... -
Sequential numerical integration in nonlinear state space models for microeco...
This paper discusses the estimation of a class of nonlinear state space models including nonlinear panel data models with autoregressive error components. A health economics... -
A bounds analysis of school completion rates in Australia (replication data)
Official estimates of school completion rates in Australia increased in the 1980s, peaked in 1992, and fell immediately thereafter before stabilizing. The official estimates... -
Panel cointegration tests of the Fisher effect (replication data)
Most empirical evidence suggests that the Fisher effect, stating that inflation and nominal interest rates should cointegrate with a unit slope on inflation, does not hold, a... -
Using the variance structure of the conditional autoregressive spatial specif...
This study investigates the pattern of knowledge spillovers arising from patent activity between European regions. A Bayesian hierarchical model is developed that specifies... -
The effect of seasonal adjustment on the properties of business cycle regimes...
We study the impact of seasonal adjustment on the properties of business cycle expansion and recession regimes using analytical, simulation and empirical methods. Analytically,... -
Bayesian counterfactual analysis of the sources of the great moderation (repl...
We use counterfactual experiments to investigate the sources of the large volatility reduction in US real GDP growth in the 1980s. Contrary to an existing literature that... -
Is gravity linear? (replication data)
Despite the solid theoretical foundation on which the gravity model of bilateral trade is based, empirical implementation requires several assumptions which do not follow... -
Extreme US stock market fluctuations in the wake of 9/11 (replication data)
We apply extreme value analysis to US sectoral stock indices in order to assess whether tail risk measures like value-at-risk and extremal linkages were significantly altered by... -
The performance of heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation robust tests: a Mon...
This paper illustrates the pitfalls of the conventional heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation robust (HAR) Wald test and the advantages of new HAR tests developed by Kiefer and... -
Structural breaks and GARCH models of exchange rate volatility (replication d...
We investigate the empirical relevance of structural breaks for GARCH models of exchange rate volatility using both in-sample and out-of-sample tests. We find significant... -
Multivariate partial adjustment of financial ratios: a Bayesian hierarchical ...
In this paper we propose a multivariate extension of the partial adjustment model of financial ratios. To that end, we use a dynamic factor model which assumes that financial... -
A unified approach to standardized-residuals-based correlation tests for GARC...
In this paper, we propose a unified approach to generating standardized-residuals-based correlation tests for checking GARCH-type models. This approach is valid in the presence... -
International dynamic risk sharing (replication data)
In this paper we examine the implications of international risk sharing among a set of countries in the presence of market frictions which complicate the instantaneous... -
Quantifying the supply-side benefits from forward contracting in wholesale el...
The assumption of expected profit-maximizing bidding behavior in a multi-unit, multi-period auction with step-function supply curves is used to estimate cost functions for... -
Complementarities in automobile production (replication data)
The number of different car and light truck models produced in North America has increased enormously over the last decades. The data suggests that producing this increased... -
Statistical inference for aggregates of Farrell-type efficiencies (replicatio...
In this study, we merge results of two recent directions in efficiency analysis research-aggregation and bootstrap-applied, as an example, to one of the most popular point... -
Semi-structural models of advertising competition (replication data)
We propose a semi-structural discrete-choice model that can be used to estimate static or dynamic decision rules. It is particularly useful in strategic contexts when games...