Is Blood Thicker than Water? The Impact of Player Agencies on Player Salaries...
In this article, we analyze how different representation models of professional football players affect their salaries in salary negotiations. We distinguish between... -
Difference-in-differences with a misclassified treatment (replication data)
Replication files for the article "Difference-in-differences with a misclassified treatment" by Akanksha Negi and Digivijay S. Negi, published in the Journal of Applied... -
Tracking Economic Activity With Alternative High-Frequency Data (replication ...
This data package contains the replication data files data_ch.Rda and data_ch.xlsx related to the Journal of Applied Econometrics article titled Tracking Economic Activity With... -
Binary response model with many weak instruments (replication data)
Data and replication information for empirical applications in the paper "Binary response model with many weak instruments" by Dakyung Seong (Journal of Applied Econometrics) -
Multiple structural breaks in interactive effects panel data models (replicat...
This dataset contains the data and instructions on how to replicate the results in the paper "Multiple structural breaks in interactive effects panel data models", by Jan... -
The Effect of plough agriculture on gender roles: A machine learning approach...
Data and replication code for "The effect of plough agriculture on gender roles: A machine learning approach" by Anna Baiardi and Andrea A. Naghi, published in Journal of... -
Robot Adoption at German Plants
Using a newly collected dataset at the plant level from 2014 to 2018, we provide the first microscopic portrait of robotization in Germany and study the correlates of robot... -
Empirical evidence on the Euler equation for investment in the US
Is the typical specification of the Euler equation for investment employed in DSGE models consistent with aggregate macro data? The answer is yes using state-of-the-art... -
Does paid parental leave affect children's schooling outcomes? Replicating Da...
Replication material for "Does paid parental leave affect children's schooling outcomes? Replicating Danzer and Lavy (2018)" by Claudia Troccoli, Journal of Applied... -
Exploring skill distribution tails through stochastic dominance (replication ...
Provided are the Current Population Survey (CPS) data used in the replication work, as well an explanation on how to obtain the relevant American Community Survey (ACS) data in... -
Approximating grouped fixed effects estimation via fuzzy clustering regressio...
We propose a new, computationally efficient way to approximate the “grouped fixed effects” (GFE) estimator of Bonhomme and Manresa (2015), which estimates grouped patterns of... -
Employment reconciliation and nowcasting (replication data)
We construct a latent employment estimate for the U.S. which both reconciles the information from separate payroll and household surveys, and incorporates the preliminary data... -
Robust Forecast Superiority Testing with an Application to Assessing Pools of...
We develop a forecast superiority testing methodology which is robust to the choice of loss function. Following Jin, Corradi and Swanson (JCS: 2017), we rely on a mapping... -
Cross-corpora comparisons of topics and topic trends
Textual data gained relevance as a novel source of information for applied economic research. When considering longer periods or international comparisons, often different text... -
An EU harmonised net wealth tax
These are the data refering to the revised article "A European Net Wealth Tax", submitted by Margit Schratzenstaller (and Aleander Krenek) on August, 31st 2022. -
A tripolar model of gas price formation in Germany. Does the shale revolution...
The data set includes 204 monthly observations starting from Jan 2005. The file: variables.txt contains 10 variables used for the analysis. All variables are denoted in natural... -
Allocation of Adaptation Aid
The paper derives an efficient allocation rule of adaptation aid from a donor to the recipient nations, which is different from the traditional development aid literature. The... -
A Model United Nations Experiment on Climate Negotiations (replication data)
Weitzman (2014) proposed that focusing international climate negotiations on a uniform common commitment (such as a uniform carbon price) is more effective than negotiations on... -
Data for the analysis of the effects of rapid structural change on workers
The data set used for the analyses of this paper is generated from the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). The SOEP is a household panel survey conducted on yearly basis since 1984 in... -
The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Working Hours (Replication Infromation)
Information about data preparation and analysis corresponding to Burauel et al. (2019). The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Working Hours.