Belief shocks and implications of expectations about growth-at-risk (replicat...
Replication files for 'Belief Shocks and Implications of Expectations about Growth-at-Risk" in the Journal of Applied Econometrics by Maximilian Boeck and Michael Pfarrhofer.... -
Dynamic effects of persistent shocks (replication data)
This package replicates the paper Alloza, Gonzalo and Sanz (2024). “Dynamic Effects of Persistent Shocks”. Journal of Applied Econometrics. Contact details: Mario Alloza... -
Approximating fixed-horizon forecasts using fixed-event forecasts (replicatio...
Replication files for article "Approximating fixed-horizon forecasts using fixed-event forecasts" by Malte Knueppel and Andreea L. Vladu, published in the Journal of Applied... -
Exchange rates, uncovered interest parity and time-varying Fama regressions (...
This online resource accompanies the Journal of Applied Econometrics article "Exchange Rates, Uncovered Interest Parity And Time-Varying Fama Regressions" by Bowen Fu, Mengheng... -
Tracking Economic Activity With Alternative High-Frequency Data (replication ...
This data package contains the replication data files data_ch.Rda and data_ch.xlsx related to the Journal of Applied Econometrics article titled Tracking Economic Activity With... -
Binary response model with many weak instruments (replication data)
Data and replication information for empirical applications in the paper "Binary response model with many weak instruments" by Dakyung Seong (Journal of Applied Econometrics) -
Sudden stop: Supply and demand shocks in the German natural gas market (repli...
We use a structural VAR model to study the German natural gas market and investigate the impact of the 2022 Russian supply stop on the German economy. Combining conventional and... -
Scaling and measurement error sensitivity of scoring rules for distribution f...
This paper examines the impact of data rescaling and measurement error on scoring rules for distribution forecast. First, I show that all commonly used scoring rules for... -
Revisiting the effects of conventional and unconventional monetary policies (...
This paper extends the discussion on the effects of the two distinctive monetary surprises in Lakdawala (2019). First, we show that the proxy of conventional monetary shock... -
Gains from trade: Demand, supply and idiosyncratic shocks (replication data)
Firm-level sales are often used as a proxy for productivity to quantify welfare Gains from Trade (GFT) using firm-level data. This approach ignores the fact that heterogeneity... -
Why You Should Never Use the Hodrick-Prescott Filter. A Comment on Hamilton (...
These data and code creates the tables and figures in "Why You Should Never Use the Hodrick-Prescott Filter. A Comment on Hamilton (The Review of Economics and Statistics,... -
Robot Adoption at German Plants
Using a newly collected dataset at the plant level from 2014 to 2018, we provide the first microscopic portrait of robotization in Germany and study the correlates of robot... -
Empirical evidence on the Euler equation for investment in the US
Is the typical specification of the Euler equation for investment employed in DSGE models consistent with aggregate macro data? The answer is yes using state-of-the-art... -
Forecasting GDP in Europe with textual data (replication data)
Replication files and data for "Forecasting GDP in Europe with textual data" by L. Barbaglia, S. Consoli, S. Manzan, in Journal of Applied Econometrics (2023). -
Outlier robust inference in the instrumental variable model with applications...
Replication materials for "Outlier robust inference in the instrumental variable model with applications to causal effects" by J. Klooster and M. Zhelonkin, Journal of Applied... -
Addressing sample selection bias for machine learning methods (replication data)
Addressing sample selection bias for machine learning methods (replication data) Dylan Brewer and Alyssa Carlson Accepted at Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2023 Overview This... -
A flexible stochastic production frontier model with panel data (replication ...
Replication materials for "A flexible stochastic production frontier model with panel data" by Taining Wang, Feng Yao, and Subal Kumbhakar, Journal of Applied Econometrics,... -
Approximating grouped fixed effects estimation via fuzzy clustering regressio...
We propose a new, computationally efficient way to approximate the “grouped fixed effects” (GFE) estimator of Bonhomme and Manresa (2015), which estimates grouped patterns of... -
Exchange rates and macroeconomic fundamentals (replication data)
We examine the relationship between exchange rates and macroeconomic fundamentals using a two-step maximum likelihood estimator through which we compute time-varying factor... -
US Weekly Economic Index: Replication and extension (replication data)
Replication materials for "US Weekly Economic Index: Replication and extension", by Philipp Wegmueller and Christian Glocker, Journal of Applied Econometrics, forthcoming.