Econometric Regime Shifts and the US Subprime Bubble (replication data)
Using aggregate quarterly data for the period 1975:Q1-2010:Q4, I find that the US housing market changed from a stable regime with prices determined by fundamentals, to a highly... -
Macroeconomic forecasting and structural change (replication data)
The aim of this paper is to assess whether modeling structural change can help improving the accuracy of macroeconomic forecasts. We conduct a simulated real-time out-of-sample... -
Large Bayesian vector auto regressions (replication data)
This paper shows that vector auto regression (VAR) with Bayesian shrinkage is an appropriate tool for large dynamic models. We build on the results of De Mol and co-workers... -
Does the option market produce superior forecasts of noise-corrected volatili...
This paper assesses the robustness of the relative performance of spot? and options-based volatility forecasts to the treatment of microstructure noise. Robustness of the... -
Credit Demand and Supply in Greece
Contains data used in the paper "Measuring Credit Demand and Supply: A Bayesian Model with an Application to Greece (2003–2011)" (published in the Jahrbücher für... -
Data Management in Economics Journals (Replication Data)
Vlaeminck, S. (2015). Data Management in Scholarly Journals and Possible Roles for Libraries – Some Insights from EDaWaX. LIBER Quarterly, 23(1). doi: 10.18352/lq.8082