(Un)expected monetary policy shocks and term premia (replication data)
The term structure of interest rates is crucial for the transmission of monetary policy to financial markets and the macroeconomy. Disentangling the impact of monetary policy on... -
Reduced‐form factor augmented VAR—Exploiting sparsity to include meaningful f...
Induced sparsity in the factor loading matrix identifies the factor basis, while rotational identification is obtained ex post by clustering methods closely related to machine... -
Comparing predictive accuracy in small samples using fixed‐smoothing asymptot...
We consider fixed-smoothing asymptotics for the Diebold and Mariano (Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 1995, 13(3), 253-263) test of predictive accuracy. We show that... -
Measuring mortgage credit availability: A frontier estimation approach (repli...
We construct a new measure of mortgage credit availability using a technique developed for production frontier estimation. The resulting loan frontier describes the maximum... -
Estimating the U.S. output gap with state‐level data (replication data)
This paper develops a method to estimate the U.S. output gap by exploiting the cross-sectional variation of state-level output and unemployment rate data. The model assumes that... -
A robust approach to estimating production functions: Replication of the ACF ...
We study Ackerberg, Caves, and Frazer's (Econometrica, 2015, 83, 2411-2451; hereafter ACF) production function estimation method using Monte Carlo simulations. First, we... -
Measuring crisis risk using conditional copulas: An empirical analysis of the...
The shipping crisis starting in 2008 was characterized by sharply decreasing freight rates and sharply increasing financing costs. We analyze the dependence structure of these... -
Do contractionary monetary policy shocks expand shadow banking? (replication ...
Using VAR models for the USA, we find that a contractionary monetary policy shock has a persistent negative impact on the level of commercial bank assets, but increases the... -
The Millennium Peak in Club Convergence: A New Look at Distributional Changes...
This paper proposes an easy-to-use nonparametric indicator for club convergence, or convergence within clusters of countries: it measures whether the modes of the gross domestic... -
This paper proposes a moment-matching method for approximating vector autoregressions by finite-state Markov chains. The Markov chain is constructed by targeting the conditional... -
We derive a quantity-based structural gravity equation system in which both trade flows and error terms are cross-sectionally correlated. This system can be estimated using... -
Non-Gaussian dynamic Bayesian modelling for panel data (replication data)
A first order autoregressive non-Gaussian model for analysing panel data is proposed. The main feature is that the model is able to accommodate fat tails and also skewness, thus... -
Bayes estimates of distance-to-market: transactions costs, cooperatives and m...
Rationalizing non-participation as a resource deficiency in the household, this paper identifies strategies for milk-market development in the Ethiopian highlands. The...