Minimum Wage Effects on Job Attachment: A Gender Perspective ‘(replication data)
Readme and STATA codes for replicating the results in "Minimum wage effects on job attachment: A gender perspective" by Eva Garcia-Moran, Ming-Jin Jiang, and Heiko Rachinger. -
Socio-economic Circumstances at Birth and Early Motherhood: The Case of the “...
This data archive includes a readme file with information about the data sets used and access; an excel file to replicate Figure 1; and two Stata do-files that include sample... -
Working from home, wages, and regional inequality in the light of COVID-19”
The paper uses data from the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey of the Working Population on Qualification and Working Conditions in Germany 2018, doi: 10.7803/501. The... -
Training in the Great Recession - Evidence from an Individual Perspective (Re...
This paper analyses the effect of the economic crisis in the years 2008 and 2009 on individual training activities of different employee groups within establishments. We use a... -
Unfilled Training Positions in Germany (replication data)
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Replication Data for Pfeifer/Weche "Temporary agency work and firm performance"
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Staff Rotation as an Anti-Corruption Policy in China and in Germany: An Exper...
We conducted bribery experiments in China and in Germany to analyze the effect of staff rotation on corruption. After being bribed, Chinese and German subjects in the role of... -
Do German Works Councils Counter or Foster the Implementation of Digital Tech...
As works councils’ information, consultation and co-determination rights affect the decision process of the management, works councils play a key role in the implementation of... -
Controlling working crowds: The impact of digitalization on worker autonomy a...
Gerten, E., Beckmann, M., Bellmann, L. (2019). Controlling Working Crowds: The Impact of Digitalization on Worker Autonomy and Monitoring Across Hierarchical Levels. Jahrbücher... -
Program code for "Does compressing high school duration affect students' stre...
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Active on many foreign markets (replication code)
These are the do-files used to compute the results reported in: Joachim Wagner, Active on many foreign markets: A portrait of German multi-market exporters and importers from... -
Identification of Up- and Downstream Industries using Input-Output Tables
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Does Participation Increase Outcome Acceptance? Evidence from a Power-to-take...
It is often conjectured that participatory decision making may increase acceptance, especially of unfavorable decisions. The present paper tests this conjecture in a...