Effects of the German minimum wage on earnings and working time using establi...
This study examines the short-term effects of the introduction of a statutory minimum wage in Germany on hourly wages, monthly wages and paid working hours. We exploit a novel... -
Identifying program benefits when participation is misreported (replication d...
In cases of non-compliance with an assigned treatment, estimates of causal effects typically rely on instrumental variables (IV). However, when participation is also... -
Agglomerative hierarchical clustering for selecting valid instrumental variab...
Description: This reproduction package includes: 1. A text-file describing how to access the data used in the application. 2. R-Code necessary for the replication of results.... -
Terrorism and education: Evidence from instrumental-variables estimators (rep...
Data, do-files, and readme file to replicate results in "Terrorism and education: Evidence from instrumental-variables estimators" (Marco Alfano and Joseph-Simon Görlach)... -
Re-examining the relationship between patience, risk-taking, and human capita...
This archive contains the replication package for "Re-examining the relationship between patience, risk-taking, and human capital investment across countries" by Alexandra de... -
Disease and development – The predicted mortality instrument revisited (repli...
Replication materials for "Disease and development – The predicted mortality instrument revisited" by D. Kreitmeir and T. Überfuhr, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2023,... -
A maximum likelihood bunching estimator of the elasticity of taxable income (...
This paper develops a maximum likelihood (ML) bunching estimator of the elasticity of taxable income (ETI). Our structural approach provides a natural framework to... -
What does the German minimum wage do? The impact of the introduction of the s...
In this article, we examine structural changes in minimum wage and low wage labor following the in-troduction and first increase of the German minimum wage. Changes in the... -
German Firms in International Trade: Evidence from Recent Microdata
In this paper, we zoom in on the firm level of German merchandise foreign trade, using a novel data base with information on the export and import value by firm, country,... -
Minimum Wage Effects on Job Attachment: A Gender Perspective ‘(replication data)
Readme and STATA codes for replicating the results in "Minimum wage effects on job attachment: A gender perspective" by Eva Garcia-Moran, Ming-Jin Jiang, and Heiko Rachinger. -
Socio-economic Circumstances at Birth and Early Motherhood: The Case of the “...
This data archive includes a readme file with information about the data sets used and access; an excel file to replicate Figure 1; and two Stata do-files that include sample... -
Extreme weather events and economic activity: The case of low water levels on...
We make use of historical data on water levels on the Rhine river to analyze the impact of weather-related supply shocks on economic activity in Germany. Our analysis shows that... -
Revisiting the effect of growing up in a recession on attitudes towards redis...
Giuliano and Spilimbergo (2014) show that individuals who experienced a recession when young are more likely to favor redistribution in the short and long run. We revisit their... -
How do people discount over spatial distance?
This paper studies how individuals discount the utility they derive from their provision of goods over spatial distance. In a controlled laboratory experiment in Germany, we... -
Evolution of the New Market Tax Credit
The New Market Tax Credit (NMTC) is a place-based policy in the United States which annually incentivizes billions in direct investments towards selected impoverished... -
Team performance and the perception of being observed: experimental evidence ...
We exploit the natural experimental setting provided by the Covid-19 lockdown to analyse how performance is affected by a friendly audience. Specifically, we use data on all... -
The gender division of unpaid care work throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in G...
The COVID-19 pandemic and related closures of day care centres and schools significantly increased the amount of care work done by parents. There has been much speculation over... -
The untold story of Midijobs
Midijobs are employment relationships with moderate monthly earnings that benefit from payroll tax subsidies. Since 2003, the subsidy is universally available for all regions,... -
On the effects of e-participation on shadow economy: A worldwide empirical an...
This paper explores the relationship between the e-participation attitude of citizens and the size of the shadow economy, whose consequences could be detrimental to countries’... -
Immigration and anti-immigrant voting in the 2017 German parliamentary election
We empirically examine the relationship between immigration and votes for the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in the 2017 German parliamentary election. We conduct a...