Refining the workhorse oil market model (replication data)
The Kilian and Murphy (Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2014, 29, 454-478) structural vector autoregressive model has become the workhorse model for the analysis of oil markets.... -
Modeling the conditional distribution of financial returns with asymmetric ta...
This paper proposes a conditional density model that allows for differing left/right tail indices and time-varying volatility based on the dynamic conditional score (DCS)... -
The next hundred years of growth and convergence (replication data)
World gross domestic product per capita is forecast to grow at 2.6% annually over the next 100 years. Convergence of less-developed countries toward output levels of the world... -
Estimating and accounting for the output gap with large Bayesian vector autor...
We consider how to estimate the trend and cycle of a time series, such as real gross domestic product, given a large information set. Our approach makes use of the... -
Interpreting shocks to the relative price of investment with a two‐sector mod...
Consumption and investment comove over the business cycle in response to shocks that permanently move the price of investment. The interpretation of these shocks has relied on... -
Analyzing credit risk transmission to the nonfinancial sector in Europe: A ne...
We use a factor model and elastic net shrinkage to model a high-dimensional network of European credit default swap (CDS) spreads. Our empirical approach allows us to assess the... -
Two are better than one: Volatility forecasting using multiplicative componen...
We examine the properties and forecast performance of multiplicative volatility specifications that belong to the class of generalized autoregressive conditional... -
Introducing the Bank of Canada staff economic projections database (replicati...
We present a new, publicly available database of real-time data and forecasts from the Bank of Canada's staff economic projections, which will be updated on an annual basis. We... -
Staff Rotation as an Anti-Corruption Policy in China and in Germany: An Exper...
We conducted bribery experiments in China and in Germany to analyze the effect of staff rotation on corruption. After being bribed, Chinese and German subjects in the role of...