Does early educational tracking contribute to gender gaps in test achievement...
The files contain all the information needed to download data an make use of the code. More information can be found in the read.me.file Abstract: On average, boys score higher... -
Interpretation of point forecasts with unknown directive (replication data)
Point forecasts can be interpreted as functionals (i.e., point summaries) of predictive distributions. We extend methodology for the identification of the functional based on... -
Do contractionary monetary policy shocks expand shadow banking? (replication ...
Using VAR models for the USA, we find that a contractionary monetary policy shock has a persistent negative impact on the level of commercial bank assets, but increases the... -
Tests of Predictive Ability for Vector Autoregressions Used for Conditional F...
Many forecasts are conditional in nature. For example, a number of central banks routinely report forecasts conditional on particular paths of policy instruments. Even though... -
Macroeconomic Forecasting Performance under Alternative Specifications of Tim...
This paper compares alternative models of time-varying volatility on the basis of the accuracy of real-time point and density forecasts of key macroeconomic time series for the... -
Finding Sensitivity to Scope in Nonmarket Valuation (replication data)
Data limitations frequently prevent using actual consumer behavior in determining natural resource values, so stated preference methods are used. Whether value estimates show... -
Econometric Regime Shifts and the US Subprime Bubble (replication data)
Using aggregate quarterly data for the period 1975:Q1-2010:Q4, I find that the US housing market changed from a stable regime with prices determined by fundamentals, to a highly... -
The likelihood of the parameters in structural macroeconomic models typically has non-identification regions over which it is constant. When sufficiently diffuse priors are... -
Evolution of the New Market Tax Credit
The New Market Tax Credit (NMTC) is a place-based policy in the United States which annually incentivizes billions in direct investments towards selected impoverished... -
Evidence of lengthy half-lives for real exchange rates in the presence of a high degree of exchange rate volatility has been considered as one of the most puzzling empirical... -
To increase the exit from welfare, benefit recipients in the municipality of Rotterdam were exposed to various financial incentives. Once their benefit spell exceeded one year,... -
Forecasting with Medium and Large Bayesian VARS (replication data)
This paper is motivated by the recent interest in the use of Bayesian VARs for forecasting, even in cases where the number of dependent variables is large. In such cases factor... -
Macroeconomic forecasting and structural change (replication data)
The aim of this paper is to assess whether modeling structural change can help improving the accuracy of macroeconomic forecasts. We conduct a simulated real-time out-of-sample... -
Non-parametric bounds on quantiles under monotonicity assumptions: with an ap...
Within the inferential context of predicting a distribution of potential outcomes P[y(t)] under a uniform treatment assignment t ∈ T, this paper deals with partial... -
Large Bayesian vector auto regressions (replication data)
This paper shows that vector auto regression (VAR) with Bayesian shrinkage is an appropriate tool for large dynamic models. We build on the results of De Mol and co-workers... -
Does the option market produce superior forecasts of noise-corrected volatili...
This paper assesses the robustness of the relative performance of spot? and options-based volatility forecasts to the treatment of microstructure noise. Robustness of the... -
Unemployment and liquidity constraints (replication data)
We present a dynamic framework for the interaction between borrowing (liquidity) constraints and deviations of actual hours from desired hours, both measured by discrete-valued... -
Credit Demand and Supply in Greece
Contains data used in the paper "Measuring Credit Demand and Supply: A Bayesian Model with an Application to Greece (2003–2011)" (published in the Jahrbücher für... -
Career Planning, School Grades, and Transitions: The Last Two Years in a Germ...
In Germany, students in lower track secondary schools (LTSS) typically receive intensive career guidance. Nevertheless, the majority of LTSS student graduates does not start an... -
Data Management in Economics Journals (Replication Data)
Vlaeminck, S. (2015). Data Management in Scholarly Journals and Possible Roles for Libraries – Some Insights from EDaWaX. LIBER Quarterly, 23(1). doi: 10.18352/lq.8082