Market fundamentals versus rational bubbles in stock prices: a Bayesian persp...
Using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, we decompose the log price-dividend ratio into a market fundamentals component and a bubble component. The market fundamentals... -
On Markov error-correction models, with an application to stock prices and di...
This paper considers Markov error-correction (MEC) models in which deviations from the long-run equilibrium are characterized by different rates of adjustment. To motivate our... -
A simple framework for analysing bull and bear markets (replication data)
Bull and bear markets are a common way of describing cycles in equity prices. To fully describe such cycles one would need to know the data generating process (DGP) for equity... -
The stochastic volatility in mean model: empirical evidence from internationa...
In this paper we present an exact maximum likelihood treatment for the estimation of a Stochastic Volatility in Mean (SVM) model based on Monte Carlo simulation methods. The SVM... -
Detecting periodically collapsing bubbles: a Markov-switching unit root test ...
This paper addresses the problem of testing for the presence of a stochastic bubble in a time series in the case that the bubble is periodically collapsing so that the asset...