Labor Supply as a Choice Among Latent Jobs: Unobserved Heterogeneity and Iden...
This paper discusses aspects of a modeling framework in which the notion of job choice is fundamental. In this framework, workers are assumed to have preferences over latent job... -
Climbing the drug staircase: a Bayesian analysis of the initiation of hard dr...
Since empirical studies have shown that cannabis users are much more likely to initiate hard drug use, a causal linkage has been suggested (?gateway hypothesis?). However,... -
Estimating the returns to schooling: a likelihood approach based on normal mi...
In this paper we develop likelihood-based methods for statistical inference in a joint system of equations for the choice of length of schooling and earnings. The model for... -
Sectoral labour supply, choice restrictions and functional form (replication ...
In this paper we discuss a general framework for analysing labour supply behaviour in the presence of complicated budget and quantity constraints, of which some are unobserved.... -
The inconsistency of common scale estimators when output prices are unobserve...
This paper explores the inconsistency of common scale estimators when output is proxied by deflated sales, based on a common output deflator across firms. The problem arises...