Hans Fricke
Markus Frölich
Martin Huber
Michael Lechner
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endogeneity and non‐response bias in treatment evaluation – nonparametric identification of causal effects by instruments (replication data)

This paper proposes a nonparametric method for evaluating treatment effects in the presence of both treatment endogeneity and attrition/non-response bias, based on two instrumental variables. Using a discrete instrument for the treatment and an instrument with rich (in general continuous) support for non-response/attrition, we identify the average treatment effect on compliers as well as the total population under the assumption of additive separability of observed and unobserved variables affecting the outcome. We suggest non- and semiparametric estimators and apply the latter to assess the treatment effect of gym training, which is instrumented by a randomized cash incentive paid out conditional on visiting the gym, on self-assessed health among students at a Swiss university. The measurement of health is prone to non-response, which is instrumented by a cash lottery for participating in the follow-up survey.

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Suggested Citation

Fricke, Hans; Frölich, Markus; Huber, Martin; Lechner, Michael (2020): Endogeneity and non‐response bias in treatment evaluation – nonparametric identification of causal effects by instruments (replication data). Version: 1. Journal of Applied Econometrics. Dataset. https://journaldata.zbw.eu/dataset/endogeneity-and-nonresponse-bias-in-treatment-evaluationnonparametric-identification-of-causal-effe?activity_id=349d1f81-0118-4366-807b-b9d5cfca42f9