Difference-in-differences with a misclassified treatment (replication data)
Replication files for the article "Difference-in-differences with a misclassified treatment" by Akanksha Negi and Digivijay S. Negi, published in the Journal of Applied... -
Identifying program benefits when participation is misreported (replication d...
In cases of non-compliance with an assigned treatment, estimates of causal effects typically rely on instrumental variables (IV). However, when participation is also... -
Terrorism and education: Evidence from instrumental-variables estimators (rep...
Data, do-files, and readme file to replicate results in "Terrorism and education: Evidence from instrumental-variables estimators" (Marco Alfano and Joseph-Simon Görlach)... -
Disease and development – The predicted mortality instrument revisited (repli...
Replication materials for "Disease and development – The predicted mortality instrument revisited" by D. Kreitmeir and T. Überfuhr, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2023,...