Estimation of sample selection models with spatial dependence (replication data)
We consider the estimation of a sample selection model that exhibits spatial autoregressive errors (SAE). Our methodology is motivated by a two-step strategy where in the first... -
Continuous-time models, realized volatilities, and testable distributional im...
We provide an empirical framework for assessing the distributional properties of daily speculative returns within the context of the continuous-time jump diffusion models... -
Is gravity linear? (replication data)
Despite the solid theoretical foundation on which the gravity model of bilateral trade is based, empirical implementation requires several assumptions which do not follow... -
Gravity models of intra-EU trade: application of the CCEP-HT estimation in he...
We follow recent developments of panel data studies and allow for the existence of both observed and unobserved common factors where their individual responses are allowed to be... -
Evaluating the impacts of Washington state repeated job search services on th...
This paper uses an unbalanced panel dataset to evaluate how repeated job search services (JSS) and other personal characteristics affect the quarterly earnings of the prime-age... -
Panel unit root tests and spatial dependence (replication data)
This paper studies the performance of panel unit root tests when spatial effects are present that account for cross-section correlation. Monte Carlo simulations show that there... -
Retesting Fair's (1978) model on infidelity (replication data)
Modern econometrics stresses the diagnostic testing of estimated models as an important part of the model-building process. In a survey article published in this journal (Pagan... -
A rational rank four demand system (replication data)
Past parametric tests of demand system rank employed polynomial Engel curve systems. However, by Gorman's (1981) theorem, the maximum possible rank of a utility-derived... -
Time-varying intercepts and equilibrium analysis: an extension of the dynamic...
Demographic effects and user costs in demand systems have usually been modelled explicitly. A more robust approach is a state space formulation of the demand system, where...