Daily exchange rate behaviour and hedging of currency risk (replication data)
We construct models which enable a decision maker to analyse the implications of typical time series patterns of daily exchange rates for currency risk management. Our approach... -
Determining market power exertion between buyers and sellers (replication data)
Empirical techniques commonly used in industrial organization to measure market power exertion typically assume imperfectly competitive behaviour by firms on only one side of... -
Union status of young men in Britain: a decade of change (replication data)
Previous empirical studies of individual union status in Britain have been cross-sectional. In contrast, we use longitudinal data from the National Child Development Study, to... -
Review of GAUSS for Windows, including its numerical accuracy (replication data)
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Asymptotically perfect and relative convergence of productivity (replication ...
In this paper we examine the extent to which countries are converging in per capita productivity levels. We propose to use cluster analysis in order to allow for the endogenous... -
Numerical distribution functions of likelihood ratio tests for cointegration ...
This paper employs response surface regressions based on simulation experiments to calculate asymptotic distribution functions for the Johansen-type likelihood ratio tests for... -
Exchange rates and monetary fundamentals: what do we learn from long-horizon ...
The use of a new bootstrap method for small-sample inference in long-horizon regressions is illustrated by analysing the long-horizon predictability of four major exchange... -
Econometric software reliability: EViews, LIMDEP, SHAZAM and TSP (replication...
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A threshold error-correction model for intraday futures and index returns (re...
Index-futures arbitragers only enter into the market if the deviation from the arbitrage relation is sufficiently large to compensate for transaction costs and associated... -
Does more calculus improve student learning in intermediate micro- and macroe...
Using a selection bias correction model with ordered probit, we estimate how a second semester of calculus affects students' grades in intermediate economic theory. Selection... -
The dynamics of changes in the female wage distribution in the USA: a quantil...
This paper examines the female wage structure focusing on changes at different points in the wage distribution. Newly developed quantile regression methods are used in analysing... -
A new class of parametric regression models for both under? and overdispersed count data is proposed. These models are based on squared polynomial expansions around a Poisson... -
Cross-validation is a method used to estimate the expected prediction error of a model. Such estimates may be of interest in themselves, but their use for model selection is... -
In Bayesian analysis of vector autoregressive models, and especially in forecasting applications, the Minnesota prior of Litterman is frequently used. In many cases other prior... -
Numerical distribution functions for unit root and cointegration tests (repli...
This paper employs response surface regressions based on simulation experiments to calculate distribution functions for some well-known unit root and cointegration test... -
Estimating time series models using the relevant cost function (replication d...
In many forecasting problems, the forecast cost function is used only in evaluating the forecasts; a second cost function is used in estimating the parameters in the model. In... -
Analytic derivatives and the computation of GARCH estimates (replication data)
In the context of univariate GARCH models we show how analytic first and second derivatives of the log-likelihood can be successfully employed for estimation purposes. Maximum... -
Optimal response to a shift in regulatory regime: The case of the US nuclear ...
This paper studies the impact of the March 1979 Three Mile Island (TMI) accident on the regulation of nuclear power plants (NPPs) and its consequences for the operating... -
Estimating a nonlinear rational expectations commodity price model with unobs...
This paper is concerned with the estimation of a model in which a possibly serially correlated stochastic process, the harvest of an agricultural commodity, generates a... -
On the estimation of simultaneous-equations error-components models with an a...
An empirical balance of payments model involving the demand and supply of imports and exports for 31 developing countries is estimated utilizing panel data over 1964-1987. In...