Deriving target selection rules from endogenously selected samples (replicati...
The selection of the most profitable customers in a customer database for targeted activities is often done based on observed behaviour in the past. Consequently, databases... -
Disaggregate evidence on the persistence of consumer price inflation (replica...
This paper uses disaggregate inflation data spanning all of consumption to examine: (i) the persistence of disaggregate inflation relative to aggregate inflation; (ii) the... -
Generalized long memory processes, failure of cointegration tests and exchang...
This paper presents evidence that the equilibrium relationship in a system of nominal exchange rates is best described as a stationary GARMA process. The implementation of the... -
Permanent vs transitory components and economic fundamentals (replication data)
Any non-stationary series can be decomposed into permanent (or trend) and transitory (or cycle) components. Typically some atheoretic pre-filtering procedure is applied to... -
Structural break threshold VARs for predicting US recessions using the spread...
This paper proposes a model to predict recessions that accounts for non-linearity and a structural break when the spread between long- and short-term interest rates is the... -
A joint model for the term structure of interest rates and the macroeconomy (...
We present and estimate a continuous time term structure model that incorporates observable macroeconomic variables and latent variables with a clear macroeconomic... -
Tests of seasonal integration and cointegration in multivariate unobserved co...
This paper considers tests of seasonal integration and cointegration for multivariate unobserved component models. First, the locally best invariant (LBI) test of the null... -
Estimating an economic model of crime using panel data from North Carolina (r...
This paper replicates the Cornwell and Trumbull (1994) estimation of a crime model using panel data on 90 counties in North Carolina over the period 1981-1987. While the Between... -
Estimating the effect of smoking on birth outcomes using a matched panel data...
Estimating the casual effect of smoking on birth outcomes is difficult since omitted (unobserved) variables are likely to be correlated with a mother's decision to smoke. While... -
Magazine prices revisited (replication data)
This paper examines price adjustment behaviour in the magazine industry. In a frequently cited study, Cecchetti (1986) constructs a reduced-form (S, s) model for firms.... -
Intertemporal pricing and price discrimination: a semiparametric hedonic anal...
We apply a smooth coefficient semiparametric model to a unique high-frequency data set to examine the intertemporal pricing of personal computers. Furthermore, we test whether... -
Smoothed binary regression quantiles (replication data)
This paper extends results regarding smoothed median binary regression to general smoothed binary quantile regression, discusses the interpretation of the resulting estimators... -
How do changes in monetary policy affect bank lending? An analysis of Austria...
Using a panel of Austrian bank data we show that the lending decisions of the smallest banks are more sensitive to interest rate changes, and that for all banks, sensitivity... -
Estimating and predicting multivariate volatility thresholds in global stock ...
We propose a general double tree structured AR-GARCH model for the analysis of global equity index returns. The model extends previous approaches by incorporating (i) several... -
Normal mixture GARCH(1,1): applications to exchange rate modelling (replicati...
Some recent specifications for GARCH error processes explicitly assume a conditional variance that is generated by a mixture of normal components, albeit with some parameter... -
Estimation of multivariate models for time series of possibly different lengt...
We consider the problem of estimating parametric multivariate density models when unequal amounts of data are available on each variable. We focus in particular on the case that... -
Measuring welfare effects in models with random coefficients (replication data)
In economic research, it is often important to express the marginal value of a variable in monetary terms. In random coefficient models, this marginal monetary value is the... -
Bayes model averaging of cyclical decompositions in economic time series (rep...
A flexible decomposition of a time series into stochastic cycles under possible non-stationarity is specified, providing both a useful data analysis tool and a very wide model... -
A bivariate count data model for household tourism demand (replication data)
Households' choice of the number of leisure trips and the total number of overnight stays is empirically studied using Swedish tourism data. A bivariate hurdle approach... -
Job separation in a non-stationary search model: a structural estimation to e...
This paper considers a job search model in which the environment is not constant throughout the unemployment spell and where jobs do not last for ever. In this situation,...