Income and Democracy: A Smooth Varying Coefficient Redux (replication data)
Acemoglu et al. (American Economic Review 2008; 98: 808-842) find no effect of income on democracy when controlling for fixed effects in a dynamic panel model. Work by... -
Empirical Bayesball Remixed: Empirical Bayes Methods for Longitudinal Data (r...
Empirical Bayes methods for Gaussian and binomial compound decision problems involving longitudinal data are considered. A recent convex optimization reformulation of the... -
Teacher Quality and Student Achievement: Evidence from a Sample of Dutch Twin...
This paper examines the causal link that runs from classroom quality to student achievement using data on twin pairs who entered the same school but were allocated to different... -
Tests of Predictive Ability for Vector Autoregressions Used for Conditional F...
Many forecasts are conditional in nature. For example, a number of central banks routinely report forecasts conditional on particular paths of policy instruments. Even though... -
State Prices of Conditional Quantiles: New Evidence on Time Variation in the ...
We develop a set of statistics to represent the option-implied stochastic discount factor and we apply them to S&P 500 returns between 1990 and 2012. Our statistics, which... -
The Early Millennium Slowdown: Replicating the Peersman (2005) Results (repli...
This paper undertakes both a narrow and wide replication of the constant coefficients vector autoregression (VAR) identified with sign restrictions considered by Peersman... -
Forecasting Tail Risks (replication data)
This paper presents an early warning system as a set of multi-period forecasts of indicators of tail real and financial risks obtained using a large database of monthly US data... -
Replicating the Results in ‘A New Model of Trend Inflation’ Using Particle Ma...
An article by Chan et al. (2013) published in the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics introduces a new model for trend inflation. They allow the trend inflation to... -
Forecasting with Global Vector Autoregressive Models: a Bayesian Approach (re...
This paper develops a Bayesian variant of global vector autoregressive (B-GVAR) models to forecast an international set of macroeconomic and financial variables. We propose a... -
Combining Time Variation and Mixed Frequencies: an Analysis of Government Spe...
In this paper, we propose a time-varying parameter vector autoregression (VAR) model with stochastic volatility which allows for estimation on data sampled at different... -
Outlier-Robust Bayesian Multinomial Choice Modeling (replication data)
A Bayesian method for outlier-robust estimation of multinomial choice models is presented. The method can be used for both correlated as well as uncorrelated choice alternatives... -
On the Importance of Sectoral and Regional Shocks for Price-Setting (replicat...
We use novel disaggregate sectoral-regional euro-area data to investigate the sources of price changes, introducing a new method to extract factors from overlapping data blocks... -
Accounting for the Political Uncertainty Factor (replication data)
We build our analysis upon previous work by Bloom et al. (Measuring the Effect of Political Uncertainty. Working Paper, Stanford University, 2012) and Baker et al. (Political... -
Panicca: Panic on Cross-Section Averages (replication data)
The cross-section average (CA) augmentation approach of Pesaran (A simple panel unit root test in presence of cross-section dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics 2007; 22:... -
Estimating Bayesian Decision Problems with Heterogeneous Expertise (replicati...
We consider the recent novel two-step estimator of Iaryczower and Shum (American Economic Review 2012; 102: 202-237), who analyze voting decisions of US Supreme Court justices.... -
Flexible Estimation of Copulas: An Application to the US Housing Crisis (repl...
Zimmer (?The role of copulas in the housing crisis?, Review of Economics and Statistics 2012; 94: 607-620) provides an interesting case study of the pitfalls of using parametric... -
Identification and Estimation of Distributional Impacts of Interventions Usin...
This paper presents estimators of distributional impacts of interventions when selection to the program is based on observable characteristics. Distributional impacts are... -
An Extension of the<i>J</i>-Test to a Spatial Panel Data Framework (replicati...
Kelejian (Letters in Spatial and Resources Sciences; 1: 3-11) extended the J-test procedure to a spatial framework. Although his suggested test was computationally simple and... -
Estimation of Dynamic Panel Data Models with Cross-Sectional Dependence: Usin...
This paper considers the estimation of dynamic panel data models when data are suspected to exhibit cross-sectional dependence. A new estimator is defined that uses... -
Identification of Spatial Durbin Panel Models (replication data)
This paper considers identification of spatial Durbin dynamic panel models under 2SLS and ML estimations. We show that the parameters are generally identified via 2SLS moment...