Averaging Across Asset Allocation Models (replication data)
Combination of asset allocation models is rewarding if (i) the applied risk function is concave and (ii) there is no dominating model. We show that most common risk... -
Inter-industrial Relations and Sectoral Employment Development in German Regi...
This paper analyses the impact of cluster structures on employment development in Germany according to the hypothesis of Porter (1998). It develops a new way of measuring the... -
Early Life Adversity and Children’s Competence Development: Evidence from the...
This paper investigates the role of early life adversity and home resources in terms of competence formation and school achievement based on data from an epidemiological cohort... -
Unemployment Compensation and Wages: Evidence from the German Hartz Reforms (...
Using the introduction of fixed unemployment assistance in Germany in 2005 as a unique natural experiment, we find strong evidence that decreased unemployment compensation has...