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H. Peter Boswijk
Jurgen A. Doornik

distribution approximations for cointegration tests with stationary exogenous regressors (replication data)

The distribution of a functional of two correlated vector-Brownian motions is approximated by a Gamma distribution. This functional represents the limiting distribution for cointegration tests with stationary exogenous regressors, but also for cointegration tests based on a non-Gaussian likelihood. The approximation is accurate, fast and easy to use in comparison with both tabulated critical values and simulated p-values. The proposed procedure is applied to a UK model investigating purchasing power parity.

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Suggested Citation

Boswijk, H. Peter; Doornik, Jurgen A. (2005): Distribution approximations for cointegration tests with stationary exogenous regressors (replication data). Version: 1. Journal of Applied Econometrics. Dataset.