Work Ethic, Social Ethic, no Ethic: Measuring the Economic Values of Modern C...
Benito Arruñad finds evidence of a distinct Protestant social ethic in the ISSP's 1998 Religion II Survey (Economic Journal 2010; 120: 890-918). We replicate Arruñada's results... -
The Robust Relationship Between US Food Aid and Civil Conflict (replication d...
Humanitarian aid has long been considered an important means to reduce hunger and suffering in developing countries. A recent finding by Nunn and Qian (US food aid and civil... -
The Effectiveness of Non-Standard Monetary Policy Measures: Evidence from Sur...
We assess professional forecasters' perceptions of the effects of the unconventional monetary policy measures announced by the US Federal Reserve after the collapse of Lehman... -
Have Standard VARS Remained Stable Since the Crisis? (replication data)
Small vector autoregressions are commonly used in macroeconomics for forecasting and evaluating shock transmission. This requires VAR parameters to be stable over the evaluation...