Different Counselors, Many Options: Career Guidance and Career Plans in Secon...
Career guidance assists students with the school-to-work transition. Based on a survey conducted in secondary schools in Germany, we analyze career guidance activities and how... -
Political affiliation in post-parliamentary careers in Italian public enterpr...
It has long been recognized that the presence of politicians on the boards of directors of public firms may create inefficiencies. Nevertheless, research has so far neglected... -
Did the German minimum wage reform influence (un)employment growth in 2015? E...
Using the variation across space, age and sex and the variation across space and sectors, we analyze the relationship between the minimum wage and (un-)employment growth in... -
Take your time to grow: A field experiment on the hiring of youths
We investigate the effect of spells of no formal employment of young Germans on their chances of entering the labor market through an apprenticeship. We also study whether the... -
The Effects of Germany’s New Minimum Wage on Employment and Welfare Dependency
In January 2015, Germany introduced a federal, statutory minimum wage of 8.50 Euro per hour. This study evaluates the effects of this policy on regular and marginal employment...