A Matter of Values: On The Link between Economic Performance and Schwartz Hum...
The European Social Survey data from the 9th round is used. The original source file ESS9e02.dta is available on the ESS website. The following files are attached:... -
Trends in U.S.Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists. A Replication Study...
Summary: These codes replicate Autor et al. (2008) and extend their analysis through 2022. Findings: The extension to an additional 17 years of analysis underscores the... -
Identifying factor‐augmented vector autoregression models via changes in shoc...
This study proposes a method to identify factor-augmented vector autoregression models without imposing uncorrelatedness or any timing restrictions among observed and unobserved... -
Small world: Narrow, wide, and long replication of Goyal, van der Leij and Mo...
I undertake a narrow, wide, and long replication of Goyal, van der Leij and Moraga-Gonzélez (2006, https://doi.org/10.1086/500990). Using social network analysis, they show that... -
Measuring real activity using a weekly economic index (replication data)
This paper describes a weekly economic index (WEI) developed to track the rapid economic developments associated with the onset of and policy response to the novel coronavirus... -
How to estimate a vector autoregression after March 2020 (replication data)
This paper illustrates how to handle a sequence of extreme observations-such as those recorded during the COVID?19 pandemic-when estimating a vector autoregression, which is the... -
Revisiting Sweden's comprehensive school reform: Effects on education and ear...
We revisit a Swedish comprehensive school reform first evaluated by Meghir and Palme (2005). This reform increased years of schooling and abolished tracking. We extend the... -
Early‐life famine exposure, hunger recall, and later‐life health (replication...
We use newly collected individual-level hunger recall information from the China Family Panel Survey to estimate the causal effect of undernourishment on later-life health. We... -
The global component of inflation volatility (replication data)
Global developments play an important role for domestic inflation rates. Earlier literature has found that a substantial amount of the variation in a large set of national... -
Understanding women's wage growth using indirect inference with importance sa...
The goal of this work is to investigate the effects of time out of the labor market for childcare on women's lifecycle wage growth. We develop a dynamic lifecycle model of human... -
Measurement error in earnings data: Replication of Meijer, Rohwedder, and Wan...
Meijer, Rohwedder, and Wansbeek (MRW, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2012) developed methods for prediction of a single earnings figure per worker from mixture... -
When are instruments generated from geographic characteristics in bilateral r...
In their highly influential paper, Does Trade Cause Growth,? Frankel and Romer estimate a trade equation to predict bilateral trade shares, which are in turn aggregated to... -
Counterfactual analysis under partial identification using locally robust ref...
Structural models that admit multiple reduced forms, such as game-theoretic models with multiple equilibria, pose challenges in practice, especially when parameters are set... -
Estimation of firm‐level productivity in the presence of exports: Evidence fr...
Motivated by the long-standing interest of economists in understanding the nexus between firm productivity and export behavior, this paper develops a novel structural framework... -
Complementary Bayesian method of moments strategies (replication data)
Methodology is proposed that addresses two problems that arise in application of the generalized method of moments representation of the likelihood in Bayesian inference: (1) a... -
Order‐invariant tests for proper calibration of multivariate density forecast...
Established tests for proper calibration of multivariate density forecasts based on Rosenblatt probability integral transforms can be manipulated by changing the order of... -
Exchange rate predictability and dynamic Bayesian learning (replication data)
We consider how an investor in the foreign exchange market can exploit predictive information by means of flexible Bayesian inference. Using a variety of vector autoregressive... -
Controlling for ability using test scores (replication data)
This paper proposes a semiparametric method to control for ability using standardized test scores, or other item response assessments, in a regression model. The proposed method... -
Towards causal estimates of children's time allocation on skill development (...
In this paper we examine how children's time allocation affects their accumulation of cognitive skill. Children's time allocation is endogenous in a model of skill production... -
Catching up to girls: Understanding the gender imbalance in educational attai...
We estimate a sequential model of schooling to assess the major contributing factors to the large gender imbalance in educational attainment within racial groups. First, we find...