Endogenous censoring in the mixed proportional hazard model with an applicati...
We examine the sensitivity of estimates of the MPH model with respect to assumptions on the censoring mechanism in the context of an economic model of optimal unemployment... -
Extreme returns and intensity of trading (replication data)
Asymmetric information models of market microstructure claim that variables such as trading intensity are proxies for latent information on the value of financial assets. We... -
Macroeconomic forecast accuracy in a data‐rich environment (replication data)
The performance of six classes of models in forecasting different types of economic series is evaluated in an extensive pseudo out-of-sample exercise. One of these forecasting... -
Large time‐varying parameter VARs: A nonparametric approach (replication data)
In this paper we introduce a nonparametric estimation method for a large Vector Autoregression (VAR) with time-varying parameters. The estimators and their asymptotic... -
Likelihood evaluation of models with occasionally binding constraints (replic...
Applied researchers interested in estimating key parameters of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models face an array of choices regarding numerical solution and estimation... -
Measurement error in discrete health facility choice models: An example from ...
We use individual-level health facility choice data from urban Senegal to estimate consumer preferences for facility characteristics related to maternal health services. We find... -
Flexible Estimation of Demand Systems: A Copula Approach (replication data)
In this paper we study the own-price elasticity for gasoline in demand systems involving three expenditure categories in the transportation sector in Canada: gasoline, local... -
Should we use linearized models to calculate fiscal multipliers? (replication...
We calculate the magnitude of the government consumption multiplier in linearized and nonlinear solutions of a New Keynesian model at the zero lower bound. Importantly, the... -
Girls and boys: Economic crisis, fertility, and birth outcomes (replication d...
We investigate the impact of an economic downturn on natality and birth weight for newborns when parents prefer sons. We examine South Korea, unexpectedly hit by the Asian... -
Dynamic discrete copula models for high‐frequency stock price changes (replic...
We develop a dynamic model for the intraday dependence between discrete stock price changes. The conditional copula mass function for the integer tick-size price changes has... -
A test of general asymmetric dependence (replication data)
We propose a modified mutual information measure to capture general asymmetric dependence between two random variables. Based on this measure, we propose a test of asymmetric... -
Barriers to price convergence (replication data)
This paper uncovers novel empirical patterns in the cross-country price mechanism using a nonlinear factor model and threshold regression analysis based on individual goods... -
Risk‐neutral moment‐based estimation of affine option pricing models (replica...
This paper provides a novel methodology for estimating option pricing models based on risk-neutral moments. We synthesize the distribution extracted from a panel of option... -
How important are fixed effects and time trends in estimating returns to scho...
A substantial and rapidly growing literature has developed around estimating earnings gains from 2-year college degrees using administrative data. These papers almost... -
Collective decisions, household production, and labor force participation (re...
In this paper, we generalize the collective model of household labor supply with domestic production to allow for the possibility of nonparticipation in the labor market. We... -
Realized networks (replication data)
We introduce LASSO-type regularization for large-dimensional realized covariance estimators of log-prices. The procedure consists of shrinking the off-diagonal entries of the... -
Combining density forecasts using focused scoring rules (replication data)
We investigate the added value of combining density forecasts focused on a specific region of support. We develop forecast combination schemes that assign weights to individual... -
Economies of diversification in the US credit union sector (replication data)
Significant scale economies have been recently cited to rationalize a dramatic growth in the US retail credit union sector over the past few decades. In this paper, we explore... -
Unobserved selection heterogeneity and the gender wage gap (replication data)
Selection correction methods usually make assumptions about selection itself. In the case of gender wage gap estimation, those assumptions are especially tenuous because of high... -
Doubly robust uniform confidence band for the conditional average treatment e...
In this paper, we propose a doubly robust method to estimate the heterogeneity of the average treatment effect with respect to observed covariates of interest. We consider a...