A Matter of Values: On The Link between Economic Performance and Schwartz Hum...
The European Social Survey data from the 9th round is used. The original source file ESS9e02.dta is available on the ESS website. The following files are attached:... -
Nowcasting Norwegian household consumption with debit card transaction data (...
This entry contains information about the data used in our analysis. The debit card transaction data that we use are confidential and cannot be made publicly available.... -
Testing for differences in survey-based density expectations: A compositional...
"Testing for differences in survey-based density expectations: A compositional data approach" by Jonas Dovern, Alexander Glas and Geoff Kenny. Journal of Applied Econometrics,... -
Real-time weakness of the global economy (replication data)
This archive contains the replication files for the paper "Real-time weakness of the global economy" by Danilo Leiva-León, Gabriel Pérez-Quirós and Eyno Rots, published in the... -
Reassessing growth vulnerability (replication data)
This paper replicates the results of Adrian et al. (2019) that GDP growth volatility is mainly driven by the lower quantiles of the distribution which is predicted by the... -
Testing Investment Forecast Efficiency with Forecasting Narratives
I analyze the narratives that accompany business cycle forecasting reports of three German institutes using topic models. To this end, I gather multiple similar topics into...