Data and code: What explains differences in minimum wage growth between EU me...
The dataset contains data and code used in the article, Baumann, Arne: "What explains differences in minimum wage growth in EU member staes?", Journal of Economics and... -
The Netherlands’ minimum wage 1969-2022: Can we learn from decline?
This paper evaluates the evolution of the Dutch minimum wage since its introduction in 1969 and discusses this as an intriguing case suggesting that a deeper, economic analysis... -
Minimum Wage Effects on Job Attachment: A Gender Perspective ‘(replication data)
Readme and STATA codes for replicating the results in "Minimum wage effects on job attachment: A gender perspective" by Eva Garcia-Moran, Ming-Jin Jiang, and Heiko Rachinger. -
The Employment Effects of the Minimum Wage: A Selection Ratio Approach to Mea...
Replication files for David Slichter, "The Employment Effects of the Minimum Wage: A Selection Ratio Approach to Measuring Treatment Effects,” Journal of Applied Econometrics,... -
The untold story of Midijobs
Midijobs are employment relationships with moderate monthly earnings that benefit from payroll tax subsidies. Since 2003, the subsidy is universally available for all regions,... -
Macroeconomic Long-Run Effects of the German Minimum Wage when Labor Markets ...
This paper analyzes the introduction of the German minimum wage in 2015 in a structural model geared to quantitatively assess its long-run economic effects. We first employ a... -
The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Working Hours (Replication Infromation)
Information about data preparation and analysis corresponding to Burauel et al. (2019). The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Working Hours. -
Replication files for "Using occupations to evaluate the employment effects o...
These replication files may be used to reproduce the results in "Using occupations to evaluate the employment effects of the German minimum wage" by Martin Friedrich published... -
The Impact of the German Minimum Wage on Individual Wages and Monthly Earnings
This paper evaluates the short-run impact of the introduction of a statutory minimum wage in Germany on the hourly wages and monthly earnings of workers targeted by the reform.... -
Did the German minimum wage reform influence (un)employment growth in 2015? E...
Using the variation across space, age and sex and the variation across space and sectors, we analyze the relationship between the minimum wage and (un-)employment growth in... -
The German minimum wage: effects on productivity, profitability, and investments
In this article, we analyze the effects of the introduction of the German minimum wage using difference-in-differences estimations applied to the IAB Establishment Panel. The...