Markus M. Grabka
Patrick Burauel
Marco Caliendo
Cosima Obst
Malte Preuss
Carsten Schröder
Cortnie Shupe

the impact of the german minimum wage on individual wages and monthly earnings

This paper evaluates the short-run impact of the introduction of a statutory minimum wage in Germany on the hourly wages and monthly earnings of workers targeted by the reform. We first provide detailed descriptive evidence of changes t o the wage structure in particular at the bottom of the distribution and distinguish between trends for regularly employed and marginally employed workers. In the causal analysis, we then employ a difference-in-difference-in-differences (DDD) strategy to identify the extent to which these changes in wages and earnings can be attributed to the minimum wage introduction. We find that the minimum wage introduction can account for hourly wage growth in the order of ca. 6.5% or EUR 0.50/hour and an increase in monthly earnings of 6.6% or EUR 53/month. Despite finding wage growth at the bottom of the distribution, the paper documents widespread non-compliance with the mandated wage oor of EUR 8.50/hour.

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Suggested Citation

Grabka, Markus M.; Burauel, Patrick; Caliendo, Marco; Obst, Cosima; Preuss, Malte; Schröder, Carsten; Shupe, Cortnie (2020): The Impact of the German Minimum Wage on Individual Wages and Monthly Earnings. Version: 1. Journal of Economics and Statistics. Dataset.

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