Identifying exchange rate effects and spillovers of U.S. monetary policy shoc...
We propose a novel econometric approach to estimating time-varying policy effects using external instruments in the presence of time-varying instrument relevance in a... -
Multiple testing with covariate adjustment in experimental economics (replica...
Replication files for List, Shaikh, and Vayalinkal (2023). Requires data from Karlan and List (2007) and the mhtexp2 package. Instructions for how to obtain the data and package... -
Nowcasting from cross-sectionally dependent panels (replication data)
This archive contains the replication files. All codes and data are provided. There are three folders corresponding to the simulation study and two empirical applications of the... -
Heavy tailed, but not Zipf: Firm and establishment size in the U.S. (replicat...
These folders and files document the necessary steps to replicate all results in the paper and appendix of: “Heavy Tailed, but not Zipf: Firm and Establishment Size in the... -
Oil prices uncertainty, endogenous regime switching, and inflation anchoring ...
Data and code to replicate the results in "Oil prices uncertainty, endogenous regime switching, and inflation anchoring" -
Understanding trend inflation through the lens of the goods and services sect...
We distinguish between the goods and services sectors in an unobserved components model of U.S. inflation. We find that prior to the early 1990s, both sectors contributed to... -
Fast and reliable jackknife and bootstrap methods for cluster-robust inferenc...
The paper contains three empirical examples. In each case, there is a data file in CSV format, a Stata DO file, and the output file produced by running the DO file. All nine... -
Censored density forecasts: Production and evaluation (replication data)
This paper develops methods for the production and evaluation of censored density forecasts. The focus is on censored density forecasts that quantify forecast risks in a middle... -
Using arbitrary precision arithmetic to sharpen identification analysis for D...
Replication materials (code and final results) for "Using arbitrary precision arithmetic to sharpen identification analysis for DSGE models", published in Journal of Applied... -
Bayesian Optimization of Hyperparameters from Noisy Marginal Likelihood Estim...
Replication material for "Bayesian Optimization of Hyperparameters from Noisy Marginal Likelihood Estimates" by Oskar Gustafsson, Mattias Villani and Pär Stockhammar, published... -
Inattention and the impact of monetary policy (replication data)
Replication material for “Inattention and the impact of monetary policy” by Zidong An, Salem Abo-Zaid and Xuguang Simon Sheng, published in Journal of Applied Econometrics. -
Global Financial Uncertainty (replication data)
Giovanni Caggiano and Efrem Castelnuovo's "Global Financial Uncertainty" dataset. It contains: i) the monthly volatility data used to estimate our global, region, and... -
Testing for multiple level shifts with an integrated or stationary noise comp...
We provide the MATLAB code and datasets to replicate the computation that are carried out in the empirical section of the paper -
Inference in Difference-in-Differences: How Much Should we Trust in Independe...
Replication material for 'Inference in Difference-in-Differences: How Much Should we Trust in Independent Clusters?' by Bruno Ferman, published in Journal of Applied Econometrics. -
Hours Worked and the U.S. Distribution of Real Annual Earnings 1976--2019 (re...
This dataset has no description
Real-time Macroeconomic Projection Using Narrative Central Bank Communication...
This dataset has no description
Should We Trust Cross Sectional Multiplier Estimates (replication data)
This dataset has no description
New Evidence on the Importance of Instruction Time for Student Achievement on...
This dataset has no description
Equity‐premium prediction: Attention is all you need (replication data)
Predictions of stock returns are greatly improved relative to low-dimensional forecasting regressions when the forecasts are based on the estimated factor of large data sets,... -
Long‐run predictability tests are even worse than you thought (replication data)
We derive asymptotic results for the long-horizon ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator and corresponding -statistic for stationary autoregressive predictors. The...