Pregnancy in the Paint and the Pitch: Does Giving Birth Impact Performance?
We examine the impact of giving birth on athletic performance of players in the Women’s National Basketball Association. Using data from media reports and National Womens... -
Source-code and datasets for: Performance-based pay and limited information a...
Content The provided content consists of two parts: First, the code of the agent-based simulation model (in the folder "Model") and, second, the data that is generated using the... -
A Matter of Values: On The Link between Economic Performance and Schwartz Hum...
The European Social Survey data from the 9th round is used. The original source file ESS9e02.dta is available on the ESS website. The following files are attached:... -
More on the influence of gender equality on gender differences in economic pr...
Introduction This study reproduces the results of the article Relationship of gender differences in preferences to economic development and gender equality (DOI:... -
The nexus of COVID-19 and climate change: A systematic literature review
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many studies have appeared on how it will affect climate change and policy, and vice versa. In this study we systematically review the... -
German Firms in International Trade: Evidence from Recent Microdata
In this paper, we zoom in on the firm level of German merchandise foreign trade, using a novel data base with information on the export and import value by firm, country,... -
Does early educational tracking contribute to gender gaps in test achievement...
The files contain all the information needed to download data an make use of the code. More information can be found in the read.me.file Abstract: On average, boys score higher... -
The role of sex segregation in the gender wage gap among university graduates...
In this paper we examine the gender wage gap among university graduates in Germany from 1997 to 2013 based on the DZHW (the German Centre for Higher Education Research and... -
Evolution of the New Market Tax Credit
The New Market Tax Credit (NMTC) is a place-based policy in the United States which annually incentivizes billions in direct investments towards selected impoverished... -
Local Fiscal Equity in the USA (replication data)
Unlike many other countries, the United States does not have a comprehensive federal transfer scheme for explicit fiscal equalization but rather employs an array of categorical... -
Political Ignorance and the Internet, Replication Data
We examine the link between Internet usage and political ignorance. In order to do so, we construct a novel index measuring individuals' indifference with respect to political... -
Does Variable Shiftwork Explain Away Productivity Shocks? A Bayesian Approach...
MacroconomicData.csv - contains relevant US macro data capitalparameters.csv, finalgoodparameters.csv, laborparameters.csv, oneshiftparameters.csv - contain the parameter... -
Markups for Consumers - Replication Files
A central motivating factor for studying price markups is their effect on consumer welfare. However, reported estimates of (firm-level) price markups in the literature often... -
The Macroeconomic Determinants of House Prices and Rents
Based on panel error correction models for a sample of up to 21 countries this paper analyses the macroeconomic determinants of house prices and rents. In accordance with the... -
Real and Financial cycles in euro area economies: results from wavelet analys...
Data set and Matlab codes to accompany M. Scharnagl and M. Mandler, "Real and Financial cycles in euro area economies: results from wavelet analysis", Journal of Economics and... -
The German Statutory Minimum Wage and Its Effects on Regional Employment and ...
This file describes how the results presented in the following article can be replicated: The German Statutory Minimum Wage and Its Effects on Regional Employment and... -
Digitalization, Multinationals and Employment
CODE FOR THE ARTICLE: Digitalisation, multinationals and employment: An empirical analysis of their causal relationships (volume 239(3)) ** WARNING ON COPYRIGHT: * Any use of... -
Market Income Inequality and its Impact on Crime in Germany (replication data)
Economic theory predicts a positive effect of an increase in income inequality on the prevalence of crime, but the international empirical evidence is mixed. For Germany,... -
The incidence of agricultural subsidies on rental rates for grassland (replic...
This paper examines the impact of agricultural subsidies on rental rates for grassland. In theory, the capitalization of subsidies into grassland rents has become increasingly... -
Credit Demand and Supply in Greece
Contains data used in the paper "Measuring Credit Demand and Supply: A Bayesian Model with an Application to Greece (2003–2011)" (published in the Jahrbücher für...