Country-Specific Euro Area Government Bond Yield Reactions to ECB's Non-Stand...
This paper employs event study methods to evaluate the effects of ECB's non-standard monetary policy program announcements on 10-year government bond yields of 11 euro area... -
Political affiliation in post-parliamentary careers in Italian public enterpr...
It has long been recognized that the presence of politicians on the boards of directors of public firms may create inefficiencies. Nevertheless, research has so far neglected... -
Staff Rotation as an Anti-Corruption Policy in China and in Germany: An Exper...
We conducted bribery experiments in China and in Germany to analyze the effect of staff rotation on corruption. After being bribed, Chinese and German subjects in the role of... -
Take your time to grow: A field experiment on the hiring of youths
We investigate the effect of spells of no formal employment of young Germans on their chances of entering the labor market through an apprenticeship. We also study whether the... -
Conservative politicians and voting on same-sex marriage
We examine whether conservative politicians are less likely to support same‐sex marriage when they run for office in safe rather than in contested districts using new data based... -
A Synthetic Control Assessment of the Green Paradox The Role of Climate Actio...
This paper extends the green paradox literature by providing empirical insights into its existence. To check the green paradox theory, I analyse the production of coal in four... -
We replicate and extend the analysis of the positive association between social media (Google searches and tweets) and the MTV program 16 and Pregnant recently published by... -
Interregional Migration of Human Capital and Unemployment Dynamics: Evidence ...
Since the mid-90s interregional migration flows in Italy have dramatically increased, especially from the South to the North. These flows are characterized by a strong component... -
Worker Personality: Another Skill Bias beyond Education in the Digital Age
We present empirical evidence suggesting that technological progress in the digital age will be biased not only with respect to skills acquired through education but... -
The Effect of Fiscal Decentralization on Corruption: A Non-linear Hypothesis
This study advances the literature on the effect of decentralization on corruption by proposing a theoretical motivation for the hypothesis that the corruption-minimizing... -
Identification of Up- and Downstream Industries using Input-Output Tables
This dataset has no description
Does Participation Increase Outcome Acceptance? Evidence from a Power-to-take...
It is often conjectured that participatory decision making may increase acceptance, especially of unfavorable decisions. The present paper tests this conjecture in a... -
Mitigating Extortive Corruption? Experimental Evidence
Extortive petty corruption takes place when a public official elicits small bribes from citizens for providing public services that the citizens are legally entitled to receive.... -
Group Decision Making in a Corruption Experiment: China and Germany Compared ...
This paper reports on an experimental investigation of individual versus group decision making in a corruption experiment.